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Tennessee Learning Centered Leadership System FAQ.

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1 Tennessee Learning Centered Leadership System FAQ

2 NEW Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) align selection, preparation, licensure, evaluation and professional development. Collaboration and responsibilities between LEA and higher education are required to be formalized and in writing. Program admissions standards are more rigorous.

3 NEW Preparation curriculum is grounded in practice, learning centered and competency based. Instructional leader program completion standards are clearly defined.

4 NEW Four tiered TILS competency based licensure system includes: –Instructional Leadership License - Aspiring (ILL-A) optional –Instructional Leadership License - Beginning (ILL-B) 5 year license program recommendation –Instructional Leadership License - Professional (ILL-P) 5 year renewal cycle LEA recommendation –Instructional Leadership License - Exemplary (ILL-E) optional 8 year renewal cycle LEA and SDE panel recommendation

5 NEW Performance contract and evaluation are based on performance goals and TILS competency development. Professional development required and based on competencies and growth plans.

6 FAQ Where can I find more information about the Tennessee Learning Centered Leadership Redesign? SEE:

7 FAQ Does each college and university with an Education Leadership/Administration program have to submit their programs’ curriculum for approval? If so when and to whom? Beginning September 15, 2009 only higher education institutions with approved redesigned programs will be able to recommend candidates for licensure.

8 FAQ Must each college and university offering Leadership programs have the same date requiring their candidates passing of the PRAXIS School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA) before issuing an advanced degree in Ed. Leadership? Earning a masters degree in instructional leadership requires a candidate to complete a State Board approved redesigned leadership program. Program completion requires a candidate to: –Complete an evidence portfolio, –Demonstrate competencies to earn ILL-B, –Complete a PD plan, –Complete a practicum project, and –Pass the SLLA.

9 FAQ Where can I find the current administrator licensure procedures? SEE:

10 FAQ How does the new Leadership Redesign impact those currently holding a TN Beginning Administrator License (BAL)? Professional Administrator License (PAL)? Individuals with a BAL may complete the current licensure requirements and earn a PAL. (See question 3.) Starting in 2015 or the next required license renewal date which ever is the longest, individuals with a PAL will transition to an ILL-P or ILL-E. Anytime after September 15, 2009, individuals with a PAL may transition to an ILL-P or ILL-E if licensure requirements are met.

11 FAQ How does the new rule impact current principals/administrators who never were required to take the PRAXIS School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA)? Individuals with an administrator license issued before the SLLA was required will not be required to take the SLLA.

12 FAQ Will current administrators/principals be “grand-fathered” under the guidelines of the new Leadership Redesign program? BAL and PAL licenses earned prior to the redesign will not be revoked.

13 FAQ If I currently have an advanced degree in Leadership/Administration what must I do to become endorsed? Prior to September 2009 a candidate must pass the SLLA and apply for a license. After September 15, 2009, individuals must meet the new licensure requirements. The only exceptions are for people who were enrolled and active in a leadership program prior to September 2009. These people must have their names submitted by the IHE to the State Department of Education and complete the preparation program before September 1, 2011.

14 FAQ If I currently have the endorsement and got it prior to the requirement of the SLLA what must I do if I plan to seek an administration/principal job prior to Sept. 15, 2009? If you have a current administrator license, find a job - no additional licensure changes required.

15 FAQ After Sept. 15, 2009, what must I do if I have an advanced degree in Leadership that I received in another state that did not require the SLLA? A candidate with an administrator license earned from another state and they apply for a Tennessee administrative license prior to September 15, 2009, will meet the current out-of-state administrator license rule. After September 15 2009 an out of state applicant for administrative licensure must meet the Tennessee license requirements, as all in-state applicants must.

16 FAQ How does the Leadership Redesign impact State Board of Education Rule #0520-2-4-.01 on advanced degrees for salary rating? The redesign does not impact the salary for advanced degrees rule.

17 FAQ As a current classroom teacher with an advanced degree in Leadership/Administration will my salary be impacted by me not having the endorsement? No.

18 FAQ Can I still earn an advanced degree in Leadership/Administration while I am a classroom teacher? Yes, before September 15, 2009, you must be actively enrolled in a leadership program and working toward completing the program. You must have your name submitted by the IHE to the State Department of Education and complete the preparation program before September 1, 2011. Yes, if enrolled in an approved redesigned leadership program after September 15, 2009, a candidate must meet the requirements of the redesign program completer.

19 FAQ Can I still choose to “self-opt” into an Education Leadership/Administration program or do I have to be “recommended” by my school director? Approved redesign programs will have more rigorous entrance requirements and may have fewer slots than current programs. There will be no state requirement for a director of schools to recommend applicants. Some LEA/IHE partnership agreements may include this as a requirement.

20 FAQ Upon completion of a Leadership program under the new Redesign what happens if I am not hired for a principal/administration position once I have received the advanced degree along with passing the SLLA? After 5 years an ILL-B may be renewed in two ways: 1. the applicant must attend a refresher academy and update their competency log, demonstrate success meeting student learning goals, and have a professional development plan. or 2. The applicant has continued competency development, met pre-set student improvement goals, and attended appropriate professional development.

21 FAQ Under the new Leadership Redesign will I receive a salary pay increase for the advanced degree in Leadership/Administration if I continue to work as classroom teacher? Yes, if you meet the program completer requirements of an approved redesign masters level program.

22 FAQ Under the new Leadership Redesign how long will the initial license remain active before it expires or has to be renewed? An Instructional leadership license – Beginning (ILL-B) is valid for 5 years.

23 FAQ What are the categories of the new Leadership Redesign administrator’s license? The four tiered TILS competency based licenses are: Instructional Leadership License- Aspiring (ILL-A) optional Instructional Leadership License- Beginning (ILL-B) Instructional Leadership License- Professional (ILL-P) Instructional Leadership License Exemplary (ILL-E)- optional

24 FAQ Will each administrator hired under the Leadership Redesign program have a mentor- administrator assigned to them? Mentors are in the policy. This section has not yet been fully developed.

25 FAQ Will those currently employed as a principal have to go back through new requirements under the Leadership Redesign program when their license expires? Licensure renewal will be based on demonstrations of competencies and meeting student learning goals. There will be professional development to support principal growth plans. There are no requirements to earn additional credits or take new tests.

26 FAQ Do assistant principals have to be licensed administrators under the guidelines of the new Leadership Redesign program? Yes, if 50% or more of their responsibilities involve instructional leadership. Assistant principals, teaching principals, or dual assignment personnel with more than 50% of their responsibilities involved in instructional leadership hired before September 15, 2009, must hold a BAL or be enrolled in a State Board approved instructional leadership program.

27 FAQ Explain how the new Performance Rubric will be utilized to evaluate principals under the Leadership Redesign program. Principal evaluation is the responsibility of the director of schools. The rubrics should guide the director and the administrator to set student learning goals and professional development goals. The rubrics should be used for principal self- evaluation and professional growth. The rubrics establish performance goals required for licensure.

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