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Energy Notes Fossil Fuels.

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1 Energy Notes Fossil Fuels

2 FOSSIL FUELS What are Fossil Fuels?
a. Remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago b. Coal, Oil, Natural Gas c. The world relies heavily on fossil fuels to run our cars, provide electricity and heat/cool our homes and businesses

3 Coal Definition: dark, black rock that consists mainly of carbon Use:
Electricity (90% used in US for electricity) Industry

4 Coal (con’t) Types Lignite, Sub-bituminous, Bituminous, Anthracite Highest energy yield = Anthracite Top Coal Producers: Montana, Illinois, Wyoming, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico

5 Coal (con’t) Pros Cons generates 51% of U.S. electricity
helps to create iron and steel industrial export Cons air pollution water pollution non-renewable (300 years left) accidents from coal mines

6 Clean Coal Technologies
3 ways to clean sulfur/impurities from coal Coal is crushed & washed & the sulfur is removed Scrubbers spray a solution of water & limestone powder into the gases released by burning coal Coal gasification – hot coal is sprayed with hot water vapor which turns the coal to a mixture of carbon monoxide & hydrogen – the gas can be burned – this removes 99.9% of sulfur

7 Oil (Petroleum) Definition: Rock oil Uses:
Transportation (gasoline) Manufacturing (fertilizers, plastics, medicines) 20 million barrels per day (over 830 million gallons) Top Oil Producers: Texas, Alaska, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma Import over 2/3 of our petroleum from other countries

8 Oil (Con’t) Non-renewable Environmental Damage 40-60 years left
4000 drilling platforms in the world Environmental Damage Air pollution (automobiles add carbon dioxide) Drilling for oil disturbs ecosystems Oil transportation can endanger environment if spilled

9 Oil Production Oil is pumped out of the ground using pressure
If there is still oil to be removed, sometimes natural gas or water is pumped into the rock to ‘push’ the rest of the oil out of the ground Regardless, for every 1 barrel of oil pumped out of the ground, 2-3 are left behind

10 Oil Facts The world consumes 85 million barrels of oil per day (That’s 31 billion per year!) 1 barrel of oil = 42 U.S. Gallons of oil The U.S. could save 33 million gallons of gas each day if the average commuter passenger load were increased by one person

11 Oil Facts U.S. consumes 24% of the total world petroleum produced each day - we only make up 6% of the world population Did you know? If you drive an SUV for one year, it is equivalent to the energy wasted by: * leaving your refrigerator door open for six years AND * keeping a light in your house on for 30 years * leaving your TV on for 28 years

12 The Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster
Explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig Spilled oil for 3 months in 2010 Leaked 4.9 million barrels of oil (205.8 million gallons) into the Gulf The spill still continues to cause extensive damage to wildlife & marine habitats

13 Natural Gas Definition: hydrocarbons – chains of carbon & hydrogen linked together – emit energy Uses: Heat, cooking Industrial production Top Natural Gas Producers: Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Wyoming

14 Natural Gas (con’t) Non-Renewable Environmental Damage
a. 50 years left b.  200 years available in world – more expensive gas prices Environmental Damage a. produces carbon dioxide, but very little

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