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David Adams ATLAS ATLAS Distributed Analysis: Overview David Adams BNL December 8, 2004 Distributed Analysis working group ATLAS software workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "David Adams ATLAS ATLAS Distributed Analysis: Overview David Adams BNL December 8, 2004 Distributed Analysis working group ATLAS software workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS Distributed Analysis: Overview David Adams BNL December 8, 2004 Distributed Analysis working group ATLAS software workshop

2 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20042 Contents ADA Architecture Components Datasets Transformations Services Changes Generic dataset schema Hierarchical content DIAL catalog interfaces Goals for this release Current status Goals for the next release Transformation interface Conclusions

3 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20043 ADA Architecture Generalized

4 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20044 Components ADA model Data described by a dataset –Location of data, e.g. files –Content, e.g. list of event ID’s and the type of data for each event Transformation describes an operation that can act on a dataset to produce a new dataset –Application = code shared by multiple transformations –Task = user-supplied configuration (parameters or code) Job is an instance of a transformation acting on a dataset –User preferences may be provided >Should not affect the essential result –Typically run as a collection of sub-jobs by splitting the input dataset >Each sub-job applies the same xform its sub-dataset >Results (output datasets) must be merged –More generally the transformation might be a DAG (future)

5 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20045 Components (cont) Transformation

6 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20046 Datasets Datasets enable users to examine and access data For ATLAS data, we identify Types of data –Used to define dataset categories –Category is part of the content specification Types of datasets –Currently C++ classes with XML data representation –Third column indicates if this class exists –Parameter in the new dataset XML See table on following page for ATLAS examples There is now a single XML schema for all types of datasets

7 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20047 Datasets NameType?Description EVIDSEventDataset×List of event ID’s EVGENAtlasPoolEventDataset×From event generator HITSAtlasPoolEventDataset×Hits, e.g. from GEANT DIGITSAtlasPoolEventDataset×Digitization of hits BYTEAtlasByteStreamEventDatasetRaw data ESDAtlasPoolEventDataset×Event summary data AODAtlasPoolEventDataset×Analysis oriented data TAGAtlasPoolTagEventDatasetEvent metadata NTUPRootNtupleDatasetNtuples HISTORootHistogramDataset×Histograms CBNTCbntDataset×DC1 combined ntuples TEXTTextDatasetText data, e.g. log files

8 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20048 Datasets (cont) acas001> dataset_property -i 10003-20151 print AtlasPoolEventDataset 10003-20151 with no parent is locked and not empty Content includes 1 block: AtlasPoolEventDataset:AOD Content ID list has 17 entries: type MissingET with with key MET_Base type MissingET with with key MET_Calib type MissingET with with key MET_Truth type ParticleBaseContainer with with key BCandidates type ParticleBaseContainer with with key ElectronCollection type ParticleBaseContainer with with key MuonCollection type ParticleBaseContainer with with key ParticleJetContainer type ParticleBaseContainer with with key PhotonCollection type ParticleBaseContainer with with key TauJetCollection type LVL1_ROI with with key LVL1_ROI type VxContainer with with key VxPrimaryCandidate type CTP_Decision with with key CTP_Decision type INavigable4MomentumCollection with with key MuonboyTrackParticles type INavigable4MomentumCollection with with key TrackParticleCandidate type Rec::TrackParticleContainer with with key MooreTrackParticles type Rec::TrackParticleContainer with with key MuidCombnoSeedTrackParticles type Rec::TrackParticleContainer with with key MuidStandAloneTrackParticles Event count is 1073 Location has 1 logical file: Logical file: Catalog: MagdaFileCatalog:Atlas ID: AOD_3401_MultiLeptonGamma.AOD.pool.root State: READONLY Content Location ID Type Example dataset Too many events to list Content type No sub-datasets

9 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 20049 Transformations (cont) For ATLAS we identify the above transformations Characterized by input and output dataset categories Most common ones listed above –Others likely Those available now are highlighted –See talks by F. Fassi and C. Haeberli Soon Now

10 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200410 Services Services enable users to find and examine existing data and create new data. Services include: Analysis services to submit and monitor jobs Catalog services to –Select data –Record data, metadata and transformations –Examine and record data provenance Data management services to access the data (files) Clients provide the user interface to these services ROOT command line Python command line (back soon) GUI (based on Python) planned

11 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200411 Changes Move from DIAL 0.92 to 0.94 (almost) Generic dataset schema (see following) Hierarchical content (see following) Unique ID service Many changes to catalog interface (see following) Transformations Integration with production system (C. Haeberli) Integrate analysis algorithm from the analysis tools group (F. Fassi) Package management Define user/application interface (G. Rybkine) Provide reference implementation (G. Rybkine)

12 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200412 Changes (cont) Analysis services Continued integration with GLite (D.Liko) Begin work on prodsys analysis service (F. Brochu) Data management Improved understanding of SRM Integration of gLite prototype file catalog into DQ (F. Orellana)

13 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200413 Generic dataset schema Version 0.94 of DIAL include a class GenericDataset Means to write to and read from an XML description All ADA datasets inherit from this without adding persistent data Advantages Processing system does not need to know the full dataset type Much easier to make use of datasets outside of DIAL –Including languages other than C++, e.g. python Other components already have generic schema I.e., the application, task, job Schema for the first two need work

14 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200414 Hierarchical content Each dataset description includes content: List of event ID’s if relevant and not too large List of type-keys describing the contained object –For each event in an event dataset –Like the type-keys in StoreGate New release sorts this list into groups –typically one per processing stage –For ATLAS: RDO, ESD, AOD, … –Dataset can now hold both ESD and AOD with clear distinction

15 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200415 DIAL catalog interface Much work in DIAL to rationalize the interface through which users interact with catalogs Class interface for standard catalog types –XyzRepository stores string (XML) descriptions of Xyz objects –XyzSelectionCatalog associates metadata with Xyz ID and name –XyzReplicaCatalog associates replica-logical ID’s for Xyz –Here Xyz = Dataset, Job, Application, Task, … Generic interface for each of the above –String ID instead Xyz ID –So implementation of GenericRepository interface can be shared by DatasetRepository, JobRepository, … Generic implementations include –File based (only for GenericRepository) –MySQL table –AMI –Web service (so far only GenericRepository)

16 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200416 Goals for this release User should be able to Select dataset from DSC (dataset selection catalog) Run aodhisto transformation –Input is any AOD (or other event collection) dataset –Output is a dataset containing root histograms –Makes use of the analysis tools algorithm –User can supply their own job options and analysis algorithm Run atlasreco transformation –Input is any RDO dataset –Output is ESD dataset –Makes use of the production system transform for release 9.0.x Monitor job status for running jobs Get description including location of any output dataset Easily view the histograms in a root histogram dataset

17 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200417 Current status Releases DIAL release 0.94 is on hold until everything else needed for the release goals is in place Dial 0.93 changes often but is now close to what 0.94 will be Functionality Root demos 4 and 5 have been added to illustrate use of aodhisto and atlasreco, respectively aodhisto has only been run with one dataset at one site atlasreco cannot use 9.0.2 and is flaky with 9.0.1 due to ATLAS SW problems Magda is being used to catalog and move files A few demo single-file datasets have been cataloged –See

18 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200418 Goals for the next release Transformations Clarify transformation interface (see following) –So users can add transformations Continue development of aodhisto (F. Fassi) Complete suite of prodsys transformations (C. Haeberli) Catalogs Build catalog of datasets from existing production and user data Add transformation catalogs Add local (to server) and global job catalogs Provide catalog interface integrated with job submission client(s) Analysis services Enable ADA production with DC2 production system (F. Brochu) Enable ADA production and analysis with gLite WMS (D. Liko)

19 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200419 Goals for the next release (cont) Data management User anywhere can put and get data from a storage element (SE) SE can retrieve requested data from other SE’s Integrate DIAL with DQ and SRM (F. Orellana) Package management Continue development of ADA package management interface and implementations (G. Rybkine) Integrate DIAL with ADA PM system Deploy PM at processing sites, i.e. integrate with existing systems AJDL Revisit transformation specification Integrate with GANGA and DC2 production system Better error reporting

20 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200420 Transformation interface Clarify and document transformation interface How xform is packaged and released How analysis service finds xform Runtime environment that a xform can expect How xform is called How xform finds input dataset and extracts it files How transform locates software (including itself and its task) How transform stores output files and creates output dataset How transform indicates job status (running, failed, done, …) How task (user code) is built and accessed Make it easy for users to add their own transformations E.g. run my athena algorithm Keep task mechanism for runtime configuration

21 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200421 Conclusions Status Much progress since last meeting but more to do Still in demo mode Releases Expect DIAL 0.94 soon –When other pieces are in place –Then like to get feedback on interface and functionality Aim for ADA/DIAL 1.0 in February –Useful system: more than demo –Meeting the short-term goals outlined earlier Need more people –Within ADA –More attention from external providers (DQ, AMI, prodsys) –Physics contributions of data and algorithms

22 David Adams ATLAS ATLAS SW Wkshp ADA OverviewDec 8, 200422 More information For more information on ADA, see the home page Includes status of subprojects, relevant talks and documents, and links to associated projects DIAL release 0.94 is described at To try it out, run DIAL root demos 4 and 5 in that release Comments and questions ADA mailing list ADA Savannah coming soon DIAL Savannah (with bug reporting) linked from DIAL page

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