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Basic Task Lists for Asha Chapters. Why should Asha Volunteers be aware of the basic Chapter Must-Do’s? Organizational discipline  Asha is a global action.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Task Lists for Asha Chapters. Why should Asha Volunteers be aware of the basic Chapter Must-Do’s? Organizational discipline  Asha is a global action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Task Lists for Asha Chapters

2 Why should Asha Volunteers be aware of the basic Chapter Must-Do’s? Organizational discipline  Asha is a global action group and expanding  Standardization of operational methodologies  Asha must speak a common language in spite of diverse dialects  Efficiency and optimality in processes  Informed manner of operation  Sets the correct expectations among volunteers  Ensures that Asha is well-connected within itself  Answerable to the legal authorities

3 Subscribe to important Asha yahoo groups lists  Chapter co-ordinators: asha-chapcoords  Chapter treasurers: asha-treasurers  Please make sure to have at least one volunteer from your chapter on each of these mailing lists (and maybe more) update mailing list entry or notify mailing lists in the event of position change Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

4 Keep the Asha DB and chapter web sites updated and fresh from your chapter’s side  Asha DB and chapter web sites – your chapter’s window to the world!  Fill in all relevant details about your chapter, it’s volunteers, positions, it’s projects, contact info, etc.  Please update DB when any info about chapter changes  DB URL:  Webmaster Email: Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

5 File annual tax returns for the chapter with Asha- wide treasurer by March 15 every year  Asha is answerable to US legal authorities  Provide reports only in specified formats to avoid delays  Ensure accuracy of numbers before submission  Please submit on time!!!  This year’s experience – “20 of the 37 chapters submitted the reports on time (by March 15th) and 12 submitted one week late. The rest required more prodding and nudging.”  International chapters need to be aware of legal deadlines and formalities in their countries Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

6 Subscribe to Asha mailing lists for focused info  Ensure connectedness and be informed within Asha  Example mailing lists (  Asha-fundraising (topic-specific)  Asha-publicity  Asha-wide  Asha-Discussion  Asha-News  Asha-projects  Asha_stars_projects  Asha-conference, Asha-WAH (event-specific)  Asha-west (zonal) Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

7 Awareness about Asha projects  Review different types of Asha projects from Asha web site (  Asha volunteers know what Asha ultimately impacts  Know that Asha works only as a catalyst for projects  Chapters can learn from each other Awareness about fundraising  Review web sites of different chapters from time to time  Join asha-fundraising mailing list  Chapters can learn from each other Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

8 Recommended positions in a chapter  Chapter Co-ordinator (officially recommended)  Chapter Treasurer (officially recommended)  Projects Co-ordinator (strongly recommended)  Web Master (if needed) Satellite – Mentor chapter pairing  New chapters typically start off as satellite chapters, functioning under the guidance of mentor chapters  Mentor chapters monitor the functioning of satellite chapters  Mentor chapters make the call when they feel satellite chapters are ready to function as regular Asha chapters Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

9 Other chapter and volunteer task tips  Do a thorough study of Asha’s web site and keep visiting for periodic updates  Participate in Asha’s annual events like WAH, Asha-Conference, etc.  Post meeting minutes on chapter web site  Assign project stewards for each project that the chapter decides to fund and commit to  Maintain all financial accounts related to the chapter in case of a financial audit  Have access to donation slips to provide to Asha donors for tax exemption  Last but not the least: Develop the “We can (and will) do it” attitude!!! Summary of Chapter Must-Do’s…

10 1)For all chapters around the world (including India), financial records to be submitted 2)Chapter coordinator MUST be on asha-chapcoords 3)Chapter treasurer MUST be on asha-treasurers 4)Chapter webmaster MUST be on asha-web 5)Chapter projects coordinator SHOULD be on asha-projects 6)Chapter fundraising coordinator SHOULD be on asha-fundraising 7)Chapter publicity coordinator SHOULD be on asha-publicity 8)Chapter coordinator and/or treasurer and/or other active members SHOULD be on asha-wide 9)All chapter contact info in the asha db needs to stay up to date. URL: 10)Any changes of coordinator/treasurer MUST be sent to Any changes of webmaster MUST be sent to TOP TEN Chapter Must-Do’s…

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