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M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !

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Presentation on theme: "M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !"— Presentation transcript:

1 M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome to … Skip Rules

2 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s Points are collected as a team; however, each player must answer her question without help from teammates. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

3 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered correctly, that team adds those points to their team score. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

4 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered incorrectly, the team score does not change. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

5 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s This game does not support automatic scoring. Please assign a scorekeeper for your team. This person should keep track of points for both teams. GET READY TO START GET READY TO START 

6 Choose from the followin g topics You will choose questions from the following six topic areas: CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS 

7 TOPIC 1 Conquest of the Promised Land What do you know about…

8 TOPIC 2 What do you know about… The Monarchy of Israel

9 TOPIC 3 What do you know about… Prophets

10 TOPIC 4 What do you know about… Prophets of the Northern & Southern Kingdom

11 TOPIC 5 What do you know about… The Babylonian Exile

12 TOPIC 6 What do you know about… Post Exile (Return and Recommitment)

13 MultiQ Choices ConquestMonarchyProphets Prophets of N/S Kingdom Babylonian Exile Post Exile 10 20 30 40 50 FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION

14 ReturnReturn Whoops! Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

15 1:101:10 These Old Testament books cover the time period from Moses’s death to the beginning of the monarchy (1250-1030 BC). CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

16 1:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are Joshua and Judges? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

17 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

18 1:201:20 He led the Israelites into the Promised Land. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

19 1:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Joshua? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

20 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

21 1:301:30 The key to success in getting to the promised land for the Israelites. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

22 1:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is obedience to God? (When the Israelites obeyed they were victorious.) CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

23 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

24 1:401:40 These were the chief judges or local tribe leaders of Israel. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

25 1:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who are Who are Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

26 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

27 1:501:50 This is the denial of God and the repudiation of faith. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

28 1:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is apostasy? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

29 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

30 2:102:10 He was the final Judge of Israel. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

31 2:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Samuel? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

32 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

33 2:202:20 Samuel, with God’s approval, anointed him to lead the Chosen People. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

34 2:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Saul? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

35 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

36 2:302:30 He became King of Judah in the southern portion of the kingdom of Israel and later united all the tribes into a single nation. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

37 2:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is David? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

38 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

39 2:402:40 The prophet Nathan told David how YHWH would establish this through him. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

40 2:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a royal dynasty? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

41 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

42 2:502:50 Turning fro the true worship of God and neglecting and abusing the poor and helpless invite this, as seen in the division of Israel into two Kingdoms, the Assyrian destruction, and the Babylonian exile. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

43 2:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is God’s judgment? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

44 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

45 3:103:10 The basic message of the prophets was that this would lead to salvation. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

46 3:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is repentance? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

47 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

48 3:203:20 The four major prophets of the Old Testament. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

49 3:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

50 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

51 3:303:30 These two short prophetic books are found in the Old Testament in addition to the four major prophets and the twelve minor prophets. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

52 3:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are Lamentations and Baruch? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

53 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

54 3:403:40 The prophets used these literary devices to share and preach their message. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

55 3:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are stories, poetry, proverbs, satire, and other literary devices? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

56 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

57 3:503:50 The Old Testament prophets preached these three themes. T o p i c 3 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

58 3:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are 1.There is only One true God, 2. the One God is holy and God demands that we renounce sin, and 3. the Messiah? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

59 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

60 4:104:10 Next to Moses he is the greatest of the Old Testament prophets. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

61 4:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Elijah? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

62 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

63 4:204:20 These two prophets preached social justice. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

64 4:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who are Amos and Hosea? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

65 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

66 4:304:30 This prophet’s message, to serve the poor in one’s midst, stands today to challenge all nations. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

67 4:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Amos? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

68 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

69 4:404:40 This influential Hebrew prophet’s Old Testament book is the largest, filling 66 chapters. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

70 4:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Isaiah? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

71 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

72 4:504:50 This prophet, called “the father of Judaism,” emphasized God’s holiness and the need to obey the rules of the Holiness code, which greatly influenced the Judaism that emerged after the Exile. T o p i c 4 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

73 4:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Ezekiel? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

74 5:105:10 Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in this year. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

75 5:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is 586 BC? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

76 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

77 5:205:20 Jews met here during the Babylonian exile in order to distinguish themselves from their captors and study the Law, observe the Sabbath, and perform circumcisions. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

78 5:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are synagogues? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

79 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

80 5:305:30 This section of an Old Testament book offered great consolation to a suffering people by revealing that Israel had paid the price for its sins and the Lord was coming to save his people. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

81 5:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is Second Isaiah? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

82 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

83 5:405:40 He is credited for being the Lord’s instrument to free the exiles in a new Exodus, the Babylonian exile. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

84 5:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is King Cyrus of Persia? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

85 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

86 5:505:50 Second Isaiah contains four distinct poems that deal with this specific individual, whom God would use to usher in a glorious future. T o p i c 5 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

87 5:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is “the servant”? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

88 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

89 6:106:10 This event taught the Chosen People that God would not tolerate idolatry and pagan worship. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

90 6:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the Babylonian exile? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

91 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

92 6:206:20 Mutual distrust between these two groups festered for centuries after the Exile and was still evident in the time of Jesus. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

93 6:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who are the Jews and Samaritans? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

94 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

95 6:306:30 This man helped solidify Judaism after the Exile and made the Torah the constitution of Judaism. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

96 6:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is Ezra? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

97 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

98 6:406:40 This remarkable leader recaptured Jerusalem and rededicated the Temple in 164 BC after Antiochus IV tried to impose Greek culture and practices there. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

99 6:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Who is the “hammer”? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

100 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

101 6:506:50 The descendants of the Maccabees, this group ruled in Judea after the ousting of the last of the Syrians in 141 BC until the establishment of Roman authority in 63 BC. T o p i c 6 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

102 6:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the What is the Hasmonean Dynasty? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

103 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

104 Bonus Question B O N U S Q U E S T I O N Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. TO THE BONUS QUESTION TO THE BONUS QUESTION 

105 Directions for Last Question D I R E C T I O N S Team members may consult on the final question of this game Team members may consult on the final question of this game. TO THE FINAL QUESTION TO THE FINAL QUESTION  If your answer is correct, you may add the wagered amount to your current score. If your answer is incorrect, you must subtract the wagered amount from your current score. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. RETURN TO GAME BOARD

106 Last Questio n Saul, Israel’s first king, was affected by this sin. CLICK TO CHECK T H E F I N A L Q U E S T I O N

107 Last Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is pride? CLICK TO END THE GAME ADD OR SUBTRACT WAGERED AMOUNTS

108 Turn in team score Add up your team score and report it to your teacher. T H A N K S F O R P L A Y I N G ! DON’T FORGET TO STUDY & REVIEW ON YOUR OWN!

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