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ROMEO & JULIET VOCAB Unit 1 20 Words Quiz Friday.

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1 ROMEO & JULIET VOCAB Unit 1 20 Words Quiz Friday

2 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 1 1. Solemnity (noun) - serious or solemn observance or ceremonial proceeding 2. Profane (adj.) - unholy, defiled, impure 3. Rapier (noun) - a sword 4. Trifling (adj.)- small, unimportant 5. Enmity (noun)- hatred

3 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 1 6. Shrift (noun)- confession 7. Languish (verb)- to become less intense, to wane or abate 8. Pernicious (adj.)- having a bad effort, damaging or detrimental 9. Portentous (adj.)- ominous, threatening evil 10. Prodigious (adj.)- marvelous, miraculous, wondrous

4 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 1 11. Valiant (adj.)- brave, courageous, bold 12. Assail (verb)- to attack with violent blows, to assault verbally 13. Posterity (noun)- succeeding or future generations 14. Jest (verb)- to joke, prank 15. Judicious (adj.)- possessing sound judgment, cautious, shrewd

5 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 1 16. Kindred (adj.)- same kind 17. Idolatry (noun)- extreme devotion or worship of a person or thing 18. Invocation (noun)- a prayer like speech; also conjuring or calling up of spirits 19. Rancor (noun)- feelings of ill will, hatred, enmity, animosity 20. Repose (noun)- time when one can relax

6 Romeo & Juliet Vocab Assignment Now that you have all 20 words, you have an assignment: Write a love sonnet (or it can be an anti-love sonnet if you prefer) using at least 7 of the words from this unit. Your sonnet must have 14 lines (no more or less) and have the following rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

7 ROMEO & JULIET VOCAB Unit 2 20 Words Quiz Friday

8 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 2 1. Dissembler (noun)- one who hides himself or puts on a false appearance 2. Jocund (adj.)- cheerful, merry 3. Puling (adj.)- whining, whimpering 4. Agile (adj.)- well-balanced and quick on one’s feet, nimble 5. Discord (noun)- lack of harmony

9 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 2 6. Beguile (verb)- to deceive or cheat 7. Intercession (noun)- a plea on another’s behalf, a mediation 8. Shroud (noun)- cloth used to wrap a body for burial 9. Resolve (noun)- firmness of purpose, determination 10. Scourge (noun)- a major affliction or hardship

10 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 2 11. Caitiff (noun)- mean, evil person 12. Inter (verb)- bury 13. Apothecary (noun)- druggist 14. Sepulcher (noun)- tomb 15. Aloof (adj.)- showing no interest, withdrawn, uninvolved

11 Romeo & Juliet Vocab 2 16. Peruse (verb)- to examine 17. Inexorable (adj.)- impossible to persuade, to change or halt 18. Obsequies (noun)- funeral ceremonies 19. Amorous (adj.) - Loving 20. Devise (verb) – to plan, think up

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