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Advance History Unit:.  The Wright Brothers  Had poor drag and lift on their gliders (1901-1902)  Realized the caculus they were using was wrong –

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Presentation on theme: "Advance History Unit:.  The Wright Brothers  Had poor drag and lift on their gliders (1901-1902)  Realized the caculus they were using was wrong –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance History Unit:

2  The Wright Brothers  Had poor drag and lift on their gliders (1901-1902)  Realized the caculus they were using was wrong – figured it out themselves by building a wind tunnel  Besides flying, had to invent how to fly – Three –axis – control  Roll – turning (wing warping)  Elevator – up and down  Yaw – side to side to prevent slipping (ruder)  First flight Dec 1903 – 120 ft – 12 secs  Longest on that day was 852 feet 59 secs  Moved back to Ohio (cheaper) but less wind  Had to make modifications to the Flyer II and III  Did not trust press so 1905-1906 stayed hidden and perfected everything – faced disbelief while hidden. “FLYERS or LIARS”  October 1905 flew for 38 min – did circles and figure eights and landed smoothly  Did not fly in 06 and 07 – worked on selling aircraft  1908 split up with Wilbur in France and Orville in US. Blew the French away. Orville broke the 1 hour record with 62 min flight in Sept of 08.  Wilbur died in 1912 of fever and Orville in 1948. In Orville’s lifetime he saw the main mode of transportation go from horse and buggy to powered airliners.

3  Was an American engineer, professor, physicist, and inventor who is credited with creating and building the world’s first liquid fueled rocket.  1.6 miles high and 550 mph  214 patents  Never got major funding like Braun  Ridiculed for fantasy – 1969, 41 years after he was ridiculed in the New York times, they published a 3 paragraph correction. Day after moon landing.  German and Russian spied on him (opened mail)  Perfected gyroscopes, three axis control, and steerable thrust  When debriefed, Von Braun said, “Don't you know about your own rocket pioneer? Dr. Goddard was ahead of us all.”

4  Werner von Braun – German and American rocket and space pioneer.  Joined the Nazi’s and the SS.  Built the A-4/V-2  Arrested by the Gestapo for having a “defeatist” attitude. Saved by Albert Speer.  SS given orders to kill him and his colleagues if about to be captured. Escaped to Austria and captured by Americans.


6  OSS program to capture and interrogate German scientists to the US.  Later had their records rewritten to expunge Nazi memberships and records. Then allowed to imigrate to US.  Von Braun did nothing until 1950 when started work on the Redstone ballistic missile

7  White Sands Proving Grounds – then transferred to Huntsville Alabama  Used a modified Redstone to launch our first satellite into space (Explorer 1, 1958)  After Sputnik in 1957, NASA decided to utilize von Braun  Mercury – Redstone used to put first US men into space.

8  Soviets take an early lead in the space race successfully putting a satellite into orbit  October 1957  Beeped for 21 days and lasted 3 months in orbit  Started the missile gap  Eisenhower passed the National Defense Education Act – a new emphasis on science, math and technology in school.  ogg ogg

9  Did not want von Braun involved in because of his past  He believed he could do it in 60 days  Went with the Navy Vanguard instead  Blew up – called kaputnik  Successful on 4 th try – Vanguard One still in orbit today  First successful three stage rocket (high)

10  After Vanguard’s failure – von Braun given permission to go ahead.  Redstone Rocket called Juno  87 days to build  1/31/1958 – discovered the Van Allen radiation belt  Batteries lasted 4 months – re-entered in 1970.

11  Started in 10/1/58 – National Aeronautics Space Act  Absorbed most military projects including von Braun  Eisenhower wanted civilian to promote peaceful exploration of space  Responsible for the Space Race

12 ??

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