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My Christmas Book Written by: Mario This book is dedicated to My Family and Arvin, because they stick with me to the end. ©®™Copyright 2010 Publisher:

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2 My Christmas Book Written by: Mario

3 This book is dedicated to My Family and Arvin, because they stick with me to the end. ©®™Copyright 2010 Publisher: ™®© S uper M ario B ookz Publishing Co.

4 Table Of Contents Title & Dedication Page My Family Traditions Christmas Around The World #1:Italy Christmas Around The World #2: Brazil Poem #1 Poem #2 Poem #3 Poem #4 Red Activity #1 Red Activity #2 Green Activity #1 Green Activity #2 Green Activity #3 Purple Activity #1 Purple Activity #2 Purple Activity #3 Purple Activity #4 About the Author

5 MY FAMILY TRADITIONS Table of Contents My family traditions are we get our Christmas tree whenever and then we struggle to get the Christmas tree to where it’s supposed to go. Then we put the lights and decorations on. We put the decorations like nutcrackers and etc. on shelves at the front of the room. On Christmas Eve we open one present, which is always from our Daycare leader. (Which I don’t have to go to anymore thankfully) she usually gets us a game such as Othello. Then on Christmas day have to wait till everyone gets up, then we can open our presents! Then we get to play with them for a little bit, then we go to our Nonna’s (Grandma in Italian) then we have lunch then, open presents there then we go home and play with all the presents!.

6 MY FAMILY TRADITIONS Table of Contents MY family always kept Santa secret (My brother and sister still think he’s real!!) Year through year, I always had faith that he was real until I was 8 when I started doubting him. I proved that he didn’t exist last year since my Mom said (cause I was still awake) “Hey Mario since you don’t believe in Santa any more, why don’t you come and see the presents” thus came the end of Santa.

7 MY FAMILY TRADITIONS Table of Contents I’ve always liked our Family traditions and I always will. They keep our Family together; I’ve always loved it and always I will. Thanks a ton (my family) you’re awesome!! I can’t wait for this year!!

8 Christmas Around the World #1 Italy Table of Contents I found out that people in Italy prepare for Christmas by setting up the Presepio, which is a nativity scene, Legend has it that the Presepio was actually created in Italy by a man named Giovanni Vellita, who was asked by a man named St. Francis to create a manger scene. The Presepio is set up the at the same time as they set up the tree, on December 8 th. The nativity scene is by far the most important decoration of Christmas for them. They start 8 days before Christmas. Christmas is called Novena. The Christmas season lasts 8 weeks, and then the Christmas tree and Presepio are taken down on the evening of January the 6 th. Little children go around reciting poems and songs from house to house dressed up as shepherds. This is only a few things that Italians do for Christmas prep and décor.

9 Christmas Around The World #1 Italy Table of Contents I found out some of the Celebrations and traditions in Italy are that shepherds bring out there musical instruments and play and sing Christmas songs. There is also a strict feast observed 24 hours before the evening of Christmas Eve. There’s a celebration meal in which they eat to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Presents are drawn from the Urn of Fate. Always at twilight they light candles around the Presepio. Those are just a few Italian Christmas traditions.

10 Christmas Around The World #1 Italy Table of Contents I found out some of the things Italians during Christmas Holidays and what they eat are they wait till January 6 th to open presents. They fast on Christmas Eve, which lasts 24 hours until a detailed and celebrated Christmas Meal. Children are given money to buy presents. 8 days before Christmas a service of prayers starts, which ends on Christmas day. At 12:00 Christmas day the Pope gives blessing to his people. Christmas dinner is called Cenone which is mainly fish. Christmas lunch is called Tortellini in Brodo. These are just a few facts on Italian Christmas + Food

11 Christmas Around the World #1 Italy Table of Contents I found out that the Santa in Italy is a kind old ugly witch named Befana. It’s said that she told the Three wise men that Jesus was born. She missed the star and got lost and has been looking for Jesus ever since leaving presents to at every house incase he’s there. She slides down chimneys and fills stockings & shoes with good things for good children and coal for bad children. And that’s the Santa in Italy

12 Christmas Around the World #2 Brazil Table of Contents I found out that in Brazil the Food people eat at Christmas and how they decorate for Christmas is they include fresh flowers and they have a Christmas which is decorated with lights, plastic balls, and glass balls. They create a Presépio, which is the same one as in Italy, which is a nativity scene. Fireworks go off in the sky and create Christmas trees of lights. A traditional Christmas dinner includes roasted turkey and vegetables and fruits. A large Christmas Dinner also includes ham and colored rice. And those are some of the food that people eat at Christmas and how they décor.

13 Christmas Around the World #2 Brazil Table of Contents I found out that in Brazil some of the Christmas Traditions are they set up the Presépio which is to set up a nativity scene. An important festive day is Dia de Festas which is on Christmas day. There Christmas Celebrations retain the ones of Portugal because they are from Portugal. One of the most popular things is Christmas Caroling which are sung to commemorate the birth of Christ. There Christmas usually has the heat of Summer. These are just some of the Brazilian Traditions.

14 Christmas Around the World #2 Brazil Table of Contents I found out that in Brazil on Christmas day Brazilians go to a catholic churches. People enjoy sleeping-in after a late dinner called Ceia de Natal. There’s folk dancing that goes until Jan. 6 th which is referred to as Three Kings Day. It is referred as this because this is the day supposedly when the three kings visited Jesus. Christmas is almost the same as it is in the US/Canada except for the High temperatures and the absence of snow. This is what Christmas is like for Brazilians.

15 Christmas Around the World #2 Brazil Table of Contents I found out that the Santa in Brazil is Papai Noel. According to legend he lives in Greenland. He either wears a silk or fur red coat and is carrying a bag full of presents which he leaves at the houses of good children. Kids wake up early for there presents. That’s who the Santa in Brazil is.

16 Poem No.1 (Haiku) Table of Contents Jingle, Jingle Bells Santa is coming to night Ho, ho, ho it’s snow

17 Poem No.2 (Cinquain) Table of Contents Santa Jolly, Old Laughing, Giving, Flying Very funny old fellow Christmas

18 Poem No.3 (Quatrain {abab}) Table of Contents Up, with the reindeer Down with the snow Out the window you peer, And white stuff is on the flow

19 Poem No. 4 (Name) Table of Contents Christ is the reason of Christmas Holiday ’ s are very relaxing and fun! Relatives, they get together on Christmas Eve Ice and snow, they are the best Santa, “ Ho, Ho, Ho ” is the gift-giver Trees and Christmas go together great Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Angel(s) come singing to the shepherds Snow is coming down and becoming fluffy

20 Red Activity #1 (History) Table of Contents Mary would have probably felt as if she had just had the most wonderful baby of all Joseph would have probably felt so proud to have the son of man as is ‘Son’ The Angel would have probably felt like rejoicing and singing a lot The Wise Men probably felt as if they were about to become the smartest people on Earth The Shepherds probably felt blessed to be able to see baby Jesus and blessed to give him gifts

21 Red Activity #2 (Spin a Tale at Christmas) Table of Contents How Santa Got Fat Santa got fat when he started get old and tired so he needed some energy. Then a random someone said “hey, why don’t we give Santa cookies and milk!?”So Santa ate the cookies and milk which got him more energy and fat, so he went to more houses. And then, one Christmas, he flew over a McDonalds (sadly) and he told his reindeer to halt (sadly) and he went down the exhaust vent and into the ½ pounder vault (sadly) and ate about 100 of them (sadly) and so every year he stops at that McDonalds (sadly). That is the legend of how Santa got fat. Or at least that’s how I think how Santa got fat... ;)

22 Green Activity #1 Table of Contents What Snow and Christmas Have in Common in Canada Some of the things that Snow and Christmas have in common in Canada are they both come in the Winter, and they are both in December. They both have white included in them. A Christmas is more Christmassy with snow. Snow and Christmas go together like peanut butter and jam, like salt and pepper, Santa and his Reindeer!! I love them both! Both let you be with friends/relatives, and have a good time. In Canada, they mean that it’s time to decorate!

23 Green Activity #2 Table of Contents Christmas Carols My favorite Christmas carol is Feliz Navidad because it would be very easy to hurt your foot dancing to it (which I did). It is saying we wish you a merry Christmas (aka there hoping you have a good Christmas) It is a very lively song with lot’s of dancing and clapping. It is very famous at concerts, and is a great show stopper. I love dancing to and just boogying to it!! Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, No swado at now Feliz e da!! I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!!

24 Green Activity #3 Table of Contents Emotions My plan if an elderly woman was lonely on Christmas would be that I would ask my parents if she could come (which they would say yes) on Christmas day for dinner. We would probably cook a feast for her then we would send her a with a gift (or 2) We would be very kind to her and ask her about her grandchildren, how old they were, what they loved to do etc. Oh and this is what my card would look like…

25 Purple Activity #1 Table of Contents Symbols I think the most famous symbol of Christmas is this… Because it represents Christmas in every way. The star represents Jesus, the decorations and lights represents Christmas décor. The presents represents Santa, and the tree represents how evergreens stay the same all Winter. This is every thing in Christmas combined as one.

26 Purple Activity #2 Table of Contents Giving & Receiving I believe that the real purpose of giving is that you give to make to make people more happy inside, and they will be glad in every way. Like say if you give a homeless person something. Think about how happy they would be. I think the real purpose of receiving is you make the person who bought/made happy. They know that they did a good job and they feel happy looking at you smile

27 Purple Activity #3 Table of Contents Holiday Pictures

28 Purple Activity #4 Table of Contents Toys For Age Groups Boy Infant: Teddy Bear—Girl Infant: Teddy Bear Boy Toddler: Medium Size Toy Car—Girl Toddler: Baby Toy Boy Kindergartener: Toy Cars—Girl Kindergartener: Toy Cooking Area Boy Grade 1-4: Cars/Video Games/Lego—Girl Grade 1-4: Big Stuffed Animals Boy Grade 5-8: Video Games/Lego—Girls Grade 5-8: Game Consoles/I touch/Makeup Boy Grade 9-12: Cell phones/Videogames—Girls Grade 9-12: Makeup/Unlimited Texting Young Boy Adult: Laptop/Electronics/Money—Young Girls Adult: Cell phone/Clothes/Money Out-of-university-boy: Car/House/Money—Out-of-university-girl: New Cell phone/Car/Money Boy Adult: Money/Watch—Adult Girl: Money/Flowers Senior Boy: Seeing there grandchildren/giving gifts to there grandchildren—Senior Girl: Seeing /getting gifts from there grandchildren Elderly Boy: Seeing there Grandchildren—Elderly Girl: Seeing there grandchildren

29 About The Author Table of Contents Mario Slongo is an average student at Maillard Middle School. His writing career started at Rochester Elementary when he wrote a hockey book. He loves hockey and Lego and in his spare time he likes to play on his DS. When He grows up he his going to write in his spare time, but he is going to be a developer. He currently lives in Coquitlam BC Canada.

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