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Principles of Clinical Pathology Why do we Need to Study General Medical Issues?

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Clinical Pathology Why do we Need to Study General Medical Issues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Clinical Pathology Why do we Need to Study General Medical Issues?

2 Why General Medical? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 Definitions 1. Pathology: 2. Pathogenesis: 3. Etiology:

4 More Definitions! 4. Signs: 5. Symptoms: 6. Diagnosis (Diagnostic reasoning):

5 What do Athletic Trainer’s do? CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING!

6 Where do we start? How does this Evaluation differ from an Orthopaedic Evaluation?

7 Medical History Chief Complaint: Present History: Past History: Family History:

8 Medical History cont. Social History: Review of Systems: Information from your Hx will direct your physical examination.

9 Do General Medical Issues Present the Same as Orthopaedic Injuries?

10 PAIN Musculoskeletal:

11 More Pain Systemic Pain: Neurogenic: Vascular: Psycho-emotional:

12 Still Painful Referred Pain: Visceral Pain: Cutaneous: Deep Somatic:

13 Evaluating the Seriousness of the Condition 1. Vitals 2. Brain stem function (CN) 3. Signs of endocrine/neurological disorder 4. Daily function changes

14 RED FLAGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

15 The Key: Symptoms not well localized, have no injury associated with onset, have been worsening, and are unaffected by standard treatments are ALL not likely to be caused by musculoskeletal conditions!

16 After History, Comes the Physical Examination

17 Physical Examination Inspection: Looking for “Classic Signs” Vitals: Percussions/palpations:

18 Physical Examination Cont. Auscultations: Smell: Neurological:

19 Summary Why study general medical issues as an athletic trainer? General medical history General medical physical examination

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