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2 3/sexting-in-america-when-privates-go- public-part-3.jhtml#id=1631892 3/sexting-in-america-when-privates-go- public-part-3.jhtml#id=1631892 Picture:

3  What is it?  “20% of teens (age 13-19) and 33% of young adults (20-26) have sexted.  The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy  Reasons teens sext:  Legalities???

4 Guttmacher Institute

5 (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

6  Approx. 750,000 15- 19 y/o become pregnant every year.  The good news… › Teen pregnancy is declining  The bad news… › U.S. teen pregnancy is still one of the highest among developed nations. (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

7 CountyTeen Pregnancy Rate (July 10 – Jun 11) Total1,261 Benton12 Linn43 Marion180 Polk25 Yamhill48 (, 2011)


9  U.S. teens : › Less likely to use contraceptives › Have shorter relationships › Have more sexual partners  Why the difference?  Guttmacher Institute

10 (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)


12 Guttmacher Institute

13  93% of parents reported their child has benefited from sex education  94% of parents say that sex education should cover contraception  Only 15% of Americans want abstinence- only education taught in the classroom Guttmacher Institute

14  Defined by the federal government: › “abstinence education… has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity.”  Guttmacher Institute

15  “No evidence shows that abstinence without contraceptive education effectively protects teens.”  “Contraceptive education does not encourage sexual activity.”  Guttmacher Institute

16  Delays sexual activity  Increases contraceptive use  Reduces number of partners  Guttmacher Institute

17  House Bill 2509 › Each school district:  Age-appropriate  Medically accurate  Comprehensive – promotes abstinence  STD’s  Communication / Relationships  Oregon has the most aggressive law in U.S.

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