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Improved Methods for the Assessment of the Generic Impact of Noise to the Environment 6th Framework Programme, Area 1.2.1, Policy-oriented research, contract.

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Presentation on theme: "Improved Methods for the Assessment of the Generic Impact of Noise to the Environment 6th Framework Programme, Area 1.2.1, Policy-oriented research, contract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improved Methods for the Assessment of the Generic Impact of Noise to the Environment 6th Framework Programme, Area 1.2.1, Policy-oriented research, contract number 503549 Propagation & meteorological effects Dirk Van Maercke IMAGINE Final Conference

2 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 2 Results of the HARMONOISE project  P2P propagation models  2D + simple geometry  Reference methods (PE, BEM, RAY)  Engineering method (HarmonoiseP2P.DLL)  Specific meteorological conditions  Similarity theory + Monin-Obukhov lenght  Input : wind speed, wind direction, cloudiness  Experimental validation  Road and railway  Propagation up to 1 km Building on Harmonoise

3 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 3 WP1 : From 2D to 3D  B uilding the 3D model (specifications & requirements)  Construction of propagation paths in 2.5D WP4 : Aircraft sources  H igher sources & greater propagation distances WP7 : Industrial sources  Point sources & lateral diffraction  Extended sources & location of equivalent point sources WP3 : Determination of L den and L night (long time averaging)  Measurement or calculation (harmonised methodology)  Based on statistics (conditions + frequency of occurrence) IMAGINE Building on Harmonoise…

4 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 4 Propagation paths in 2D Principles of the methods… 2.5D geometrical model Point-to-point

5 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 5 IMAGINE Outline of the harmonised models Source models Source segmentation Free field propagation Reflexions and lateral diffractions Air absorption Excess attenuation  ground  diffraction  meteo

6 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 6  Measurements  Reference model based on 3D ray-tracing Adaptation of the propagation model Lateral diffraction

7 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 7 Lateral diffraction Validation of ray-tracing by means of BEM-3D calculations

8 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 8 Lateral diffraction

9 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 9  Loss of coherency  On input, source position: h S ±  h S  Turbulence and scattering (simplified, one parameter) Adaptation of the propagation model Size of the source & interference point sourceextended source

10 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 10 Engineering model : simplified solutions based on: Lateral diffraction Fresnel weighting Transition Diffracted ray paths S S

11 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 11 Adaptation of the propagation model High sources and long distance HARMONOISE AIRCRAFT LONG RANGE = unfavourable !

12 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 12 Extended domains of application GFPERay-Tracing Reference model = transition between GFPE and RAYS Engineering model = HARMONOISE + heuristic extensions

13 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 13 MODELLING PRINCIPLES:  Linear sound speed gradient  HARMONOISE : curved rays or curved ground analogy ?  IMAGINE : conformal mapping !  Calculate the transformed profiles using c = constant. Adaptation of the propagation model Meteorological effects

14 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 14 Meteorological effects d = 500 md = 100 m d = 250 m NUMERICAL VALIDATION : GFPE h S = 0.30 m h R = 2.50m  = 200 kNsm -4 A lin = 0.12 s -1

15 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 15 Validation & fine-tuning Excess attenuation versus equivalent linear gradient for a “point source”

16 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 16 Meteorological observations and equivalent linear gradient HARMONOISE validation = 120 calculations, all combinations of 8 wind directions, 3 wind speeds, 5 stability classes Surface observations :W,  W, S Meteorological profiles : 1/L, U*, T* Lin/Log sound speed profile A = A T + A W cos (  SR -  W ) B = B T + B W cos (  SR -  W ) Linear sound speed profile 1/R = 1/R A + 1/R B Linear sound speed profile 1/R = 1/R A + 1/R B Measurement Propagation - direction - distance

17 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 17 Meteorological effects wind + thermal stability ISO 9613-2, SRM2, NMPB

18 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 18 Meteorological effects and propagation classes One parameter: D/R 5 classes + frequency of occurrence

19 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 19 Determination of L den and L night Propagation classes

20 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 20 Determination of L den and L night Propagation classes  Calculation and measurements:  Calculation:  Calculation of L den and L night requires (only) 4 calls to the P2P module, even less if p ij = 0 (short distances, high sources)

21 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 21 Determination of L den and L night Frequency of occurrence Meteorological Pre-processor Frequency of occurrence p ij Wind speed, Wind direction Cloud cover Day hours Evening hours Night hours Propagation distance Propagation direction Source / receiver height Meteorological data records

22 IMAGINE Final Conference, Budapest, 25 October 2006 N° 22 Propagation & meteorological effects More details & questions… this afternoon

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