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Cancer presentation By: Cameron Webb Spencer Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer presentation By: Cameron Webb Spencer Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer presentation By: Cameron Webb Spencer Johnson

2 Neuroblastoma

3 Symptoms Pale skin Dark circles around the eye Diarrhea Bone pain or Tenderness Flushed, red skin Rapid pulse Loss of movement Profuse sweating

4 Statistics About 1 in 1,000 children will be diagnosed with Neuroblastoma by the age of five. There are approximately 650 new cases of Neuroblastoma. The average time of diagnosis is 1 to 2 years.

5 General information Neuroblastoma can be detected by an ultrasound before birth, but it is rare. If you catch Signs of Neuroblastoma early if your Childs life you can make a difference.

6 Hospitals that treat Neuroblastoma MSKCC- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. NYP- New York Presbyterian.

7 Treatments The prognosis and treatment depend on the Childs age, the stage of cancer, Where the tumor is in the body, and tumor histology.

8 Cancer awareness

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