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A Potpourri of Useful(?) Information 22 February 2003 David A. Conner, Ph.D., P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "A Potpourri of Useful(?) Information 22 February 2003 David A. Conner, Ph.D., P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Potpourri of Useful(?) Information 22 February 2003 David A. Conner, Ph.D., P.E.

2 Credits Presentations by Dr. Raymond Findlay, IEEE 2002 President Presentation by Tracy Hawkins, IEEE Staff (Manager of Section/Chapter Support) IEEE Web Site

3 OVERVIEW  IEEE: The Organization Regional Activities; Technical Activities  Section/Region Leadership  Section/Region Management  Knowledge and Knowledge Sources  Issues Finance; Reporting; Structure; Legal  Possible Initiatives

4 IEEE: THE ORGANIZATION Members IEEE Assembly (Delegates) IEEE Board of Directors IEEE Executive Committee IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) IEEE Publication, Service, and Products Board IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) IEEE Standards Association IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) IEEE-USA

5 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) Board Committees Regions 1-10 (Geographic Subdivisions) Region Committees; Region Areas #; Sections Councils # ; Section Committees; Sub-Sections; Student Branches; Chapters*; Affinity Groups such as GOLD, WIE, Consultant’s Network

6 TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Board Committees Divisions I - X Societies (Technical Subdivisions) Chapters*

7 SECTION/REGION LEADERSHIP  A leader must have vision.  A leader must set specific goals.  A leader must be passionate.  A leader must have integrity.

8 SECTION/REGION LEADERSHIP  A leader must be willing to take risks.  A leader must be dedicated.  A leader must be charismatic.  A leader must be a good listener.

9 SECTION/REGION MANAGEMENT  Make changes in an orderly fashion  Keep your team motivated  Ensure that each member of your team understands the goals of the team  Ensure that each member of your team knows his/her responsibility  Monitor team progress

10 SECTION/REGION MANAGEMENT  Assist each member of your team in developing leadership skills that will allow the person to replace you  Willingly seek advice from your predecessors  Remember that your team is composed of volunteers and not employees

11 SECTION/REGION MANAGEMENT ISSUES  Organizational Structure  Size  Constituency Representation  “Process” for Succession of Duties

12 KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE SOURCES  Principle: “Half of knowledge is to know where to find it”  Source #1: IEEE Web Site’s Site Map  Source #2: Tracy Hawkins, IEEE’s Manager of Section/Chapter Support 

13 FINANCIAL ISSUES  Rebates – File Your Annual Financial Reports (L-50) in Early January  Section Support via Regions (SSVR) – Check with Your Region Delegate/Director for Funds at His Discretion  Conference Income – Consider Partnering with a Society to Host One of Their Conferences

14 FINANCIAL ISSUES  Society Assistance for Chapters – Check Out Appropriate Societies for Information  Donations – Be Careful to Follow All IEEE Guidelines and Policies When Acquiring Donations and Do Not Make a Donation Without IEEE Board Approval

15 FINANCIAL ISSUES  Contracts – Be Careful to Follow All IEEE Guidelines and Policies (An Area of Extremely High Visibility, Control, and Auditing)  Special Project Funding – Be Innovative in Developing Pilot Projects and Obtaining Matching Funds from Region, RAB, EAB, Societies, and IEEE Foundation

16 FINANCIAL ISSUES Examples: K-12 Education (Section) Consultant Networks (Section) Legislative Network (Council) Awards Manual Electronic Industry Technical Database Officer Training Manual Industry Communications

17 FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE AREAS  IEEE-Sponsored Activities  Member Communications  Administrative Expenses  Travel Expenses  Student Branch Support  Recognition Supplies

18 REPORTING ISSUES NOTE: Section/Region Years MUST BE the Calendar Year!!!  Officer Notification (in December by Secretary)  L-31, Meeting Reporting Form (in Early January by Out-Going Secretary)  L-50, Finance Reporting Form (in Early January by Out-Going Treasurer)

19 LEGAL STRUCTURE 1. New York Laws on Incorporation 2. IEEE Certificate of Incorporation 3. IEEE Constitution (Member- Adopted Bylaws) 4. IEEE Bylaws (Board of Director- Adopted Bylaws) 5. IEEE Policies and Procedures 6. RAB Bylaws 7. RAB Policies and Procedures

20 LEGAL STRUCTURE 8. Region 2 Bylaws 9. Region 2 Policies and Procedures 10. Section Bylaws 11. Section Policies and Procedures 12. Council/Sub-Section/Chapter*/ Branch Bylaws 13. Council/Sub-Section/Chapter*/ Branch Policies and Procedures

21 LEGAL STRUCTURE NOTE: At Any Level, After Policies and Procedures … Custom and Practice Robert’s Rules of Order (the last “frontier”) Example: Friendly Amendment

22 SPECIAL AREAS OF LEGAL CONCERN  Finances (Maintain a Clear Audit Trail)  Bank/Savings Accounts  Non-IEEE Investment Accounts (A No-No!!!)  Donations  Contracts  Bylaws  Policies and Procedures

23 POSSIBLE REGION INITIATIVE Review Assignment of Duties Between the Region Delegate/Director and the Region Delegate/Director-Elect (Region 3: the Delegate/Director Handles Institute-Level Duties and Delegate/Director-Elect Runs the Region) Ask if Any Areas Need to Be Councils

24 INITIATIVES AT ALL LEVELS Make Use of Past Chairs at All Levels 1. Long-Range Planning (Vision) 2. Strategic Planning (Goal Setting) 3. Mentoring 4. Special Committees/Assignments 5. Special Recognition Ceremonies

25 SECTION INITIATIVES Develop Unique Programs Meeting Specific Needs 1. Speaker Program for Student Branches 2. Mentoring Program for High School Students Considering Engineering as a College Major

26 SECTION INITIATIVES 3. Web Site Listing Open Engineering Positions in Area 4. Speaker Exchange Program with Other Sections 5. K-12 Career Day Speakers 6. Mentors for GOLD Members 7. Work with Other Sections to Develop a Chapters’ Speaker’s Program

27 SUMMARY l IEEE: The Organization Regional Activities; Technical Activities l Section/Region Leadership l Section/Region Management l Knowledge and Knowledge Sources l Issues Finance; Reporting; Structure; Legal l Possible Initiatives


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