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ENLIGHT,12/2/20021 Health and Science, can CERN contribute? The Mission of CERN (1954): “The Organization shall provide for collaboration among European.

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Presentation on theme: "ENLIGHT,12/2/20021 Health and Science, can CERN contribute? The Mission of CERN (1954): “The Organization shall provide for collaboration among European."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENLIGHT,12/2/20021 Health and Science, can CERN contribute? The Mission of CERN (1954): “The Organization shall provide for collaboration among European States in nuclear research of a pure scientific and fundamental character, and in research essentially related thereto. CERN has a good track record of managing multitechnological projects within specification and budget and in time, within CERN competencies Hadron therapy falls into these competencies, given complete definition of the requirements by the oncologists CERN,unfortunately, cannot fund hadron therapy In FP6 of the EU there will be “integrated projects” and Hadron Therapy may well fit into this concept

2 ENLIGHT,12/2/20022 aéroport Genève Atlas CMS Alice LHCb PS 1954 2000

3 ENLIGHT,12/2/20023 CERN's role CERN is part of a world wide network of institutes with knowledge of: –Accelerators –Ionising radiation –Data driven systems controls –Massively scaling application software systems –Management of innovative, multidisciplinary, -national projects CERN can offer consultancy, accommodate experts in corresponding divisions,... CERN can help to organise working groups (PIMMS,Medipix, EU- DataGrid, GEANT4,.. ) CERN can help to make special items –Kickers, septa, RF, –Special readout electronics,..

4 ENLIGHT,12/2/20024 Strategy suggestions for Hadron Therapy Get home team of experts Optics, RF, Engineering, magnets, power supplies, controls,.. Let technical experts go over the design and adapt it, strip it down to your requirements CERN can offer consultation during extended stays of people on site,... CERN can help with construction of special items: Kicker, RFQ, RF, diagnostics (Schottky scan,..) CERN has expertise and knowledge of sensor systems and their read-out (PET, …) CERN, with additional funding from EU, is involved in a world-wide data grid initiative, which may be applicable to medicine and in particular to Radiation Therapy (WWW ---> Data Grids)

5 ENLIGHT,12/2/20025 Strategy suggestions continued Adapt existing designs of the accelerator, beam-lines and gantries (CERN-PIMMS, GSI) to your specific requirements Agree on collaboration/consortium now –the optimisation of the treatment requires open exchange and continued discussion between the scientists of the accelerator teams and the medical scientists in hospitals engaged in ion therapy in Europe –Collaborate, communicate under agreed conditions of exchange of ideas, designs, IPR, gathered experience,...

6 ENLIGHT,12/2/20026 If it was a Particle Physics undertaking (Oncologists undertaking!) Form, to best capabilities, "home" teams on all core aspects of hadron therapy, for your local requirements, preferences, project Meet with other parties interested in regular workshops to exchange information and to optimise the respective projects Form dedicated collaborations on the various subjects of study needed (Oncologists lead and decide)  optional and go as far as you want Operation with local control, maintenance Treatment planning, simulation, diagnostics, medical software Diagnostic equipment required with the treatment Others Result: Optimal, turn key operation of best hadron therapy centres

7 ENLIGHT,12/2/20027 The Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS)  Facility for hadron therapy  Carbon-ions and protons  High precision active scanning (C, p)  Conventional passive spreading (p)  Fixed beam lines and gantries for maximum flexibility (C,p)  Green-field solution, no starting constraints  Generic study, to be adapted to specific regional needs

8 ENLIGHT,12/2/20028 Schematic Layout of the PIMMS Design Injection Chain Treatment rooms Main Accelerator Slow Extraction C-ion source dump proton source C-ion linac proton linac Synchrotron protons and C-ions beam diagnostic p+C-ions room 1 proton gantry room 2 proton horizonta l room 3 proton gantry room 4 C-ion horizontal room 5 C-ion gantry If initially only ions are used, only one linac is required GSI design: one linac for protons and ions

9 ENLIGHT,12/2/20029 Important Design Choices High precision Ease of operation Reliability "Turn-key Operation"

10 ENLIGHT,12/2/200210 Fundamental science is a long range force towards knowledge, innovation and new technologies CERN and its associated institutes have common, interesting knowledge They are interested in KnowledgeTransfer into multidisciplinary actions

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