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Strengths based approach to Guidance Understand and keep in mind the typical development of children. Keep your expectations tied to the development.

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2 Strengths based approach to Guidance

3 Understand and keep in mind the typical development of children. Keep your expectations tied to the development of the children. Do not underestimate the development, nor get frustrated with their development.

4 Provide an active, developmentally appropriate environment where children are free to explore, interact with one another, challenge themselves.

5 Set expectations and rules that are developmentally appropriate for the individual group of children in the classroom.

6 Observe each child, and get to know each individual child in the classroom, not just the ones who are demanding your attention.

7 Connect daily with every child to be sure that they know how important they are to you and to the classroom. Be sure everyone feels connected to the classroom, others in the classroom, and most importantly you.

8 Emphasis the positives in all you do. Become a “yes” person seeing the silver lining in the clouds. Smile at everyone and laugh.

9 Ignore negative behavior if at all possible, but remember if the child knows that you saw it, and now he has gotten away with it, you will need to discuss it.

10 Expect and model cooperation and helpfulness. Say please and thank you with a smile. It is catching and will soon rub off on the children and others in your classroom.

11 Help the children develop problem solving skills, and help them to solve problems rather than solving them yourself. Allow them to try out different solutions, even if you think it will not work.

12 Start out each day new! Don’t bring up misdeeds from yesterday. Try to leave yesterday there, and don’t let it destroy today.

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