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Diminuatives using -ito Diminuatives are used to indicate smallness of size (‘little’), youngness in age, or intimacy (member of family). Some uses may.

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Presentation on theme: "Diminuatives using -ito Diminuatives are used to indicate smallness of size (‘little’), youngness in age, or intimacy (member of family). Some uses may."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diminuatives using -ito Diminuatives are used to indicate smallness of size (‘little’), youngness in age, or intimacy (member of family). Some uses may surprise an English speaker.

2 Perro = dog perrito = ? puppy

3 gato = cat gatito = ? kitty

4 oso = bear osito = ? bear cub or teddy bear

5 mesa = table mesita = ? little table

6 señora = Mrs. señorita = ? Miss

7 chica = girl chiquita = ? little girl

8 abuela = grandmother abuelita = ? grandma

9 abuelo = grandfather abuelito = ? grandpa

10 hermano = brother hermanito = ? little brother

11 burro = donkey burrito = ? little donkey

12 mamá = mom mamacita = ? mommy

13 mosca = fly mosquito = ? little fly

14 Diminuatives can also be used with names of people and places. Sometimes these are nicknames, sometimes they are not.

15 pueblo = town pueblocito = ? little town

16 cerro = hill Cerritos = ? little hills City in Southern California near Long Beach

17 Juana Juanita

18 Pepé Pepito

19 Miguel Miguelito

20 Lupe Lupita

21 fin

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