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Cell Chemistry I can’t think of anything clever here...

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1 Cell Chemistry I can’t think of anything clever here...

2 What are we? §Basic human recipe l 50l water (H,O) l 16kg coal (C) l 5kg of fireworks (K,N,C,S) l chalk (Ca,C) l matches (P) l salt (Na,Cl) l some metals (Fe, Mg, etc)

3 Basic Chemistry review §We have to start somewhere, so we might as well start with…..(dramatic pause) §Elements! l Any substance that can not be broken down into something simpler. §Atom l The smallest unit of an element. »1,102,000 ft²

4 Basic Chemistry review §So….If we take two or more elements and we chemically combine them we form a.. §Compound l Chemically combined elements. l Water..salt..etc

5 Basic Chemistry review §In much the same way the atom was the smallest unit of an element….. §A molecule l The smallest unit of a compound.

6 Basic Chemistry review §In chemistry, organic does not mean “without chemical herbicides or pesticides.” In chemistry, organic refers to carbon. §Carbon containing compounds are called Organic compounds Well…most of them anyway A great and common exception CO2

7 Basic Chemistry review §I’ll bet your not surprised to find out that…. §Compounds that don’t contain carbon are called inorganic compounds.

8 Proteins §Look at your neighbor……your basically looking at: §Proteins l Large organic molecules carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur.

9 Proteins §I’m sure you’re getting used to this……. §Proteins are made of amino acids l Only about 20 different ones Alphabet example

10 Carbohydrates §Sugars and starches…..Pack’em in! §Carbohydrates l Energy rich organic compounds such as sugars and starches l Made of CHO l Cell wall cellulose and some cell membranes

11 Lipids §Fats…..mmm tasty! §Lipids l Energy rich organic compounds such as fats, oils and waxes. l Made of CHO l Handy for energy storage

12 Enzymes §Enzymes… §Proteins that speed up chemical reactions. Cracker Experiment –allergies?

13 Nucleic Acids §Nucleic Acids are very large molecules l Made of C,O,H,N,P §Contain the genetic instructions. §Two types: §DNA l In chromatin, inside the nucleus §RNA l in the cytoplasm

14 And now…….. §About that Egg you’ve been messing with.

15 Function of the Cell Membrane §Remember all that stuff I said about doors and holes…….. Corn Starch and Iodine demo

16 Function of the Cell Membrane §The Cell Membrane is Selectively Permeable l Some substances can pass…Some, can not.

17 Function of the Cell Membrane §There are 3 possible ways to get through the cell membrane. §1) Diffusion l Moving from high concentration to low concentration Food color

18 Function of the Cell Membrane §There are 3 possible ways to get through the cell membrane. §2) Osmosis l Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Sliced Potato Demo

19 Function of the Cell Membrane §There are 3 possible ways to get through the cell membrane. §3) Active Transport l Moving materials through a cell membrane using energy.

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