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Ecommerce and the Strategic Use of Information Technology Professor Kleist BADM 334 January 22, 2001.

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1 Ecommerce and the Strategic Use of Information Technology Professor Kleist BADM 334 January 22, 2001

2 Questions for Class Discussion for Ecommerce and the Strategic Use of IT n From the readings or from your own experience, what examples can you give about the strategic use of IT in the ecommerce world? n What do some of the readings discuss in terms of strategies for ecommerce? n Compare a pure clicks strategy to a clicks and mortar strategy. When might one be more appropriate than another?

3 Questions for Class Discussion for Ecommerce and the Strategic Use of IT n How have newspapers survived in the new world of ecommerce? How are they threatened? n What changes in the distribution channel are enabled by the web? How? Are these changes always for the better? Give examples from the readings. n Compare and contrast aggressive ecommerce strategies and cautious ecommerce strategies from the readings.

4 Questions for Class Discussion for Ecommerce and the Strategic Use of IT n How might the new distribution channels of ecommerce effect the strategy of the automotive industry? n Are there certain kinds of firms that are more likely to be successful in the electronic commerce environment, and some kinds of firms that are less likely to be successful? Discuss and defend your perspective.

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