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THE HUMAN RIGHTS. CLICK THE BOXES TO LEARN ABOUT THEM History of Human Rights The Branches of the Human rights NGO’s 3 dimensions of Human rights 3 qualities.

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2 CLICK THE BOXES TO LEARN ABOUT THEM History of Human Rights The Branches of the Human rights NGO’s 3 dimensions of Human rights 3 qualities of Human Rights

3 HISTORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS Human rights are moral principles that set out certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected as legal rights in national and international law. They were first thought in Classical Antiquity, where the philosophers said that all individuals are equal. After that, the Magna Carta Libertatum in 1215 restricted the power of the kings. Individualization was another factor that helped the Human Rights form. People started to become individual, and not part of a group anymore. At the time of the Enlightment, there was a evermore powerful Mercantile and Professional class, and that led to people being even more individual.

4 BRANCHES OF HUMAN RIGHTS General Assembly: -Has a member from every member state -Discussed about world issues -Voted Needs to be 2/3 for it to pass Secretariat: -The employees. -Does and applies the voted decisions of General Assembly, ECOSOC and Security Council -Paid workers ECOSOC: -The economy part of the UN -The decisions about supplies, food, water and electricity comes from here Security Council: -China, UK,USA, Russia and France are the permanent members -If one says no to the resolution, It won’t pass. -Discusses and finds resolutions about world peace and people’s security Council of Justice: -Settles legal disputes between countries -15 judges -Cases about war crimes and crimes against humanity

5 NGOS What they are: NGOs are Non-Government Organizations. They exist because people still need to be aware of what Human Rights are. People who are a part of these organizations go around the world, and take pictures of the abuse of Human Rights, and post them in the media to make people aware. NGOs vary in their methods. Some act primarily, while others primarily conduct programs and activities. For instance, an NGO such as Oxfam concerned with poverty alleviation, might provide needy people with the equipment and skills to find food and clean drinking water. Examples: Human Rights Watch

6 3 DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 2 nd Dimension- Economic and Social Rights 3 rd Dimension- Collective Rights 1 st Dimension-Civil and Political Rights

7 1 ST DIMENSION 1 st dimension covers the rights that are about the people and how they live. These are the rights that are covering the rights like to live, to be free and to have the right to go to court before jail. These rights are violated, like the Guantanamo Bay. The people who are in there have not been in front of a judge, and some are not even guilty, but very suspicious of terrorism. People are still facing death penalties all over the world in many countries, and that is a violation too. Some say some of the people are too dangerous to live, and they disagree with it.

8 2 ND DIMENSION Economic and social rights are the rights such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture. Economic, social and cultural rights are recognized and protected in international and regional human rights. Member states have promised to protect these rights. The UDHR recognizes a number of these rights along with the other rights. Again, in the world, there are countries that are violating these rights such as the Middle East where women are not allowed to do half the things men can.

9 3 RD DIMENSION Collective Rights are the newest rights. They apply groups of people and religions, not individuals. There are problems convincing every culture and group of people, because there are different rules to every religion and culture, and it is the UN’s role to convince people that they should obey the rights, because what they do might be different. For example, in the Human rights, everybody is equal and everybody must have the right to speak to themselves. But in middle east and some other countries, men are considered to be “better” than women in everyway.

10 3 QUALITIES OF HUMAN RIGHTS Universal: Human Rights are Universal. This means it applies to everybody at anytime. All Humans are equal, and you can’t argue about this. People can’t say you don’t have your Human Rights anymore, because they must be with you at all times. Inalienable: Human Rights can not be taken away for any reason. You were born with them, and you will die with them. They can’t be given away as well, because anything that is given, can be taken away afterwards. That is why the Human rights are not a luxurious thing. Indivisible: The Human rights is a package deal, you can’t have some and don’t have the others. You are not ordering your rights, and you must have them all. Indivisible means can’t be divided, and you can’t divide it.

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