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New Senior Secondary Subject Choice Seminar 9-April-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "New Senior Secondary Subject Choice Seminar 9-April-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Senior Secondary Subject Choice Seminar 9-April-2011

2 Mock Subject Selection



5 PreferenceAssigned Not Assigned% 11884680.34% 21894580.77% 31765875.21% 45318122.65% 5212138.97% 6152196.41% 7102244.27% 8142205.98% 9112234.70% 1072272.99% Overall Allocated Rate96.51% Overall Satisfaction Rate75.00%

6 SubjectNo. of groupMax no. of std BAFS 2 80 Chinese History 1 40 Economics 3 120 Chinese Literature 1 25 Geography 2 80 History 1 40 Literature in English 1 40 ICT 1 30 Biology 2 80 Chemistry 2 80 Physics 1 40 Combined Science (Biology + Physics) 1 40 Combined Science (Biology + Chemistry) 1 40 Combined Science (Chemistry + Physics) 1 40 Technology and Liviing126 Over-subscribed

7 Arrangement of elective subjects in Senior Secondary curriculum Block 1BioChemEconChem & Bio Phy & Chem Chin Lit. Hist Phy & Bio Block 2ChemLit. in Eng. EconGeogBAFS Block 3PhyBioEconGeogTech & Liv Chin Hist ICT

8 What is Combined Science?

9 Rationale To meet the needs of students with a strong interest in science  For students taking two science subjects, ONE of them is chosen from the three specialised subjects of Physics, Chemistry or Biology  The students will study part of the other two subjects by a combined approach to build a broad and comprehensive knowledge in science

10 Elective Part Compulsory Part Chemistry Part of CS Chemistry How is Combined Science (CS) related to Bio/Chem/Phy? Subject Content of CS’s Chem part is about ½ that of Chemistry

11 BioChemPhy Biology Part Chemistry Part Physics Part Combined Science (Phy, Chem) Combined Science (Bio, Phy) Combined Science (Chem, Bio) Taking 2 parts only

12 Combined Science (Phy, Chem) + Bio Combined Science (Bio, Phy) + Chem Combined Science (Chem, Bio) + Phy – for students wishing to take 2 elective subjects in the Science Education KLA Combined Science – for students wishing to take 2 elective subjects in the Science Education KLA Possible subject combinations: Broad and comprehensive learning in science ++++++ Econ / Geog / ICT / Lit. in Eng / Ch. Hist / BAFS …. Room for learning in other KLAs

13 Tips for Choosing elective subjects only students who are top 35% in Mathematics of the Form can choose to take Mathematics module (module 1 or 2) only students who are top 35% in Mathematics of the Form can choose to take Mathematics module (module 1 or 2) Students taking Mathematics module are NOT allowed to take Chinese History and Economics in Block 3 Students taking Mathematics module are NOT allowed to take Chinese History and Economics in Block 3 consider Combined Science (Phy+Chem) or (Chem+Bio) or (Phy+Bio) in block 1 consider Combined Science (Phy+Chem) or (Chem+Bio) or (Phy+Bio) in block 1

14 Block 1 BioChem Phy & Chem Chem & Bio Econ Chin. Lit Hist Phy & Bio Block 2 Chem Lit. in Eng. EconGeogBAFSBAFS Block 3 BioPhy Tech. & Liv. Chin Hist EconGeogICT Tips for Choosing elective subjects Fully filled in the mock selection Fully filled. A better ranking is needed for successful allocation almost fully filled (38/40)quite full (23)

15 Important reminder :- Students are required to fill-in an on-line application form for your choice of S4 subjects. Username and password should be the same as that used for the “ e-class. ” Students are required to fill-in an on-line application form for your choice of S4 subjects. Username and password should be the same as that used for the “ e-class. ” Please complete the on-line S4 Subject Selection Form on or before 23 May 2011 Please complete the on-line S4 Subject Selection Form on or before 23 May 2011 Both student and parent have to sign on a printed copy of your choice. Both student and parent have to sign on a printed copy of your choice.

16 Students Students will be ranked according to their scores in annual average mark Annual Annual mark mark : [ 1st term mark x 30% + 2nd term mark x 70%]

17 Priority of Streaming will be given to students with Priority of Streaming will be given to students with all subjects passed in the Annual result all subjects passed in the Annual result higher marks in Annual average mark higher marks in Annual average mark Student's choices Student's choices Student ’ s 1st three choices will be entertained as far as possible unless the subject she selected is full. Student ’ s 1st three choices will be entertained as far as possible unless the subject she selected is full. Student 4 th – 10 th choices will then be considered until 3 subjects have been allocated Student 4 th – 10 th choices will then be considered until 3 subjects have been allocated

18 Result of Subject Allocation will be released on 11 July 2011 Appeal against subject allocation to be applied on or before 15 July 2011 Results of Appeal to be released on 29 July 2011

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