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How to recognize and avoid these sentence killers!

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1 How to recognize and avoid these sentence killers!
Run-on Sentences How to recognize and avoid these sentence killers!

2 Review: Compound Sentences
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses properly joined together. A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses IMPROPERLY joined together.

3 Proper Ways to Join Clauses
Option 1: a comma and a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) I like donuts, but donuts make me fat. Option 2: a semi-colon I like donuts; they taste great. Option 3: a semi-colon, a transitional word, and a comma I like donuts; however, donuts make me fat.

4 More examples of transitional words
However Furthermore On the other hand Consequently Nevertheless In addition Therefore I eat donuts every morning; consequently, I have gained thirty pounds this month. I understand the dangers of donut consumption; nevertheless, I can’t stop eating them.

5 Improper ways to join clauses
Just put a comma between the two independent clauses. I hate exercise, it is not fun. Some people call this a comma splice or a run-on Don’t put anything between the two independent clauses I hate exercise it is not fun. Some people call this a fused sentence or a run-on

6 Fixing run-on sentences
In order to fix a run-on, you should join the two clauses in one of the acceptable ways: Comma and conjunction Semi-colon Semi-colon, transitional word, and comma OR you can divide the two clauses into two sentences

7 Fix this run-on sentence
My husband is going bald, he looks funny. My husband is going bald, so he looks funny. My husband is going bald; he looks funny. My husband is going bald; consequently, he looks funny. My husband is going bald. He looks funny.

8 One more solution… Your book also suggests joining the two independent clauses through subordination. This means you will turn one of the independent clauses into a dependent clause by adding a dependent word. Run-on: My husband is going bald, he looks funny. Solution: Since my husband is going bald, he looks funny.

9 Practice Quiz List two IMPROPER ways of joining independent clauses
List four ways to fix a run-on sentence Fix all of the run-on sentences on pages using a variety of methods.

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