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LHCb Core Software Meeting, 13 Dec. 2006 1/5 Proposal for Reflex Dictionaries in LHCb E. Rodrigues, NIKHEF Python – C++ bindings  Python knows about our.

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Presentation on theme: "LHCb Core Software Meeting, 13 Dec. 2006 1/5 Proposal for Reflex Dictionaries in LHCb E. Rodrigues, NIKHEF Python – C++ bindings  Python knows about our."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHCb Core Software Meeting, 13 Dec. 2006 1/5 Proposal for Reflex Dictionaries in LHCb E. Rodrigues, NIKHEF Python – C++ bindings  Python knows about our C++ objects via dictionaries  All is nicely done “behind the scenes” … Dictionaries  All our XML-defined event classes have the corresponding dictionaries built automatically  Other (event) classes defined in.h &.cpp needed some extra “hand-made” files for producing the dictionaries  Same for Gaudi tools LHCb Core Software Meeting

2 LHCb Core Software Meeting, 18 Jan. 2006 2/5 The Tracking Example Track Event Classes  Event/TrackEvent  Tr/TrackFitEvent  Kernel/LHCbKernel Tracking Tools Interfaces  Tr/TrackInterfaces  Tr/TrackMCInterfaces  Kernel/LHCbKernel All dictionaries produced in each package Dictionaries produced In TrackPython package ALL TRACKING CLASSES AND TOOLS ARE AVAILABLE IN PYTHON Dictionaries produced In LHCbKernel package

3 LHCb Core Software Meeting, 18 Jan. 2006 3/5 Other Examples DaVinci tools  Phys/PhysDict  Any other package? Monte Carlo classes and tools  Event/MCEvent  … Where are other Python dictionaries built?

4 LHCb Core Software Meeting, 18 Jan. 2006 4/5 Proposal of Guideline Proposal  We need a well-defined and consistent way of building dictionaries  Dictionaries for custom classes and tools should be built in the same package where these are defined, not in separate packages  Only exception: when a large number of related classes and interfaces are in separate packages, build a single dictionary in a dedicated new package - e.g. Det/DetSys - e.g. Det/DetSysBenefits  Since non-MC/MC classes and tools are defined (or should) in separate packages, also the dictionaries will have the same clear separation - not quite the case at present, e.g. Phys/PhysDict - not quite the case at present, e.g. Phys/PhysDict  When classes and tools are updated, corrected, etc. the corresponding dictionaries are automatically updated accordingly upon recompilation

5 LHCb Core Software Meeting, 18 Jan. 2006 5/5 What needs to be done (Event) Classes  Dictionaries for all our LHCb event classes exist « by construction »  Make sure we have dictionaries for all relevant custom classes that are not defined in XML Tool Interfaces  Converge towards a small number of packages for interfaces  Clearly separate Monte Carlo interfaces from real-data ones - e.g: Tr/Track(MC)Interfaces, Phys/Phys(MC)Interfaces, Det/DetSys, etc.  Make sure we have dictionaries for all tool interfaces we may need/want to use in Python

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