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Presentation on theme: "UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM1. BIBLIOGRAPHY GLOSSARY OF TERMS DOCUMENTS RESEARCH."— Presentation transcript:

1 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM1


3 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM3

4 UK Poverty facts Nearly 13 million people live in poverty in the UK – that’s 1 in 5 of population. (2009) How is poverty calculated? Poverty is calculated as 60% of median income after housing costs. This is a measure of poverty used by most researchers, the EU and the UK government. UK Poverty facts Nearly 13 million people live in poverty in the UK – that’s 1 in 5 of population. (2009) How is poverty calculated? Poverty is calculated as 60% of median income after housing costs. This is a measure of poverty used by most researchers, the EU and the UK government. UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM4

5 1. Political power in pre-industrial England 2. The Tudors and the Stuarts 3. The Poor A Background B From voluntary relief to state involvement C The ‘Old’ Poor Laws D The Settlement Act (1662) UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM5

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10  1.1 CATEGORIZATION  1The deserving, helpless Poor  2The undeserving / rogues and vagabonds  3the able-bodied Poor 1.2THE POOR RATES 1572 : the Poor Rates (local poor tax) 1576 : the Workhouse 1597 :The Overseer ( a ‘substantial householder’ of the community)  UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM10

11  The establishment of the parish as the administrative unit responsible for poor relief, with churchwardens or parish overseers collecting poor-rates and allocating relief.  The provision of materials such as flax, hemp and wool to provide work for the able-bodied poor.  The setting to work and apprenticeship of children  The relief of the 'impotent' poor — the old, the blind, the lame (handicapped), and so on. This could include the provision of 'houses of dwelling' — almshouses or poorhouses rather than workhouses.  the census of the poor  the punishment of the undeserving poor UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM11

12  To be born in a parish of legally settled parent(s) or marrying in the parish (for women)  Up to 1662 by living there for 3 years. After 1662 possible eviction within 40 days. After 1691 : 40 days’ notice before moving in.  Renting property worth more than £10 per annum in the parish or paying taxes on such a property, by renting a property  Holding a Parish Office.  Being hired by a legally settled inhabitant for a continuous period of a year 365 days.  Having served a full apprenticeship to a legally settled man for the full 7 years.  Having previously been granted poor relief (‘settlement examination’). UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM12

13 1. British politics 2. The Agrarian and industrial revolutions A The cottage industry B The enclosure movement 3. The Speenhamland System 4. Society and Art  UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM13

14 George 1 st 1714 - 1727 George 2 nd 1727 - 1760 George 3 rd 1760 – 1820 George IV (19thcentury )  THE HOUSE OF COMMONS : PRIME MINISTERS WHIGS versus TORIES 1721 –1762 1762 - 1765 1765 - 1770 1770 - 1782 1782 - 1783 1783 - 1806  UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM14

15 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM15

16 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM16

17 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM17

18 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM18

19 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM19

20 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM20

21 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM21

22  Source : E.A. Wrigley, People, cities and wealth (Oxford 1987) UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM22 LONDON200 LONDON 575 LONDON 959 NORWICH 15NORWICH 30MANCHESTER 89 YORK 12BRISTOL 21LIVERPOOL 83 BRISTOL 12NEWCASTLE 16BIRMINGHAM 74 NEWCASTLE 9EXETER 14BRISTOL 60 EXETER 9YORK 12LEEDS 53 160017001801

23 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM23

24 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM24 Common-field agricultue

25 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM25

26 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM26

27 1. Power and ‘classes’ 2. culture and art Two emblematic painters : William Hogarth Thomas Gainsborough UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM27

28 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM28

29 1. 1.British politics and Society : A. Political and economic life B. The Victorian Age 2. The New Poor Laws 1. Sturges Bourne’s Act 2. The New Poor Laws of the 1830s  The notion of Poverty/Pauperism  The commission of 1832  The new Poor Laws of 1834  Victorian philanthropy 1. 3. The social novels UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM29

30 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM30

31 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM31

32 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM32

33 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM33

34 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM34

35 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM35

36 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM36

37 UPJV Amiens Brit. Civ. CM37


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