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NEW DEAL REVIEW GAME JANUARY 12, 2015 Trashketball.

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1 NEW DEAL REVIEW GAME JANUARY 12, 2015 Trashketball

2 #1. The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 and has been effective in… A. investing in the education of children B. sponsoring immigrants from overseas C. providing people with retirement income

3 #2. Which of the following MIGHT have been an outcome of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attempt to expand the Supreme Court to 15 justices? A. The power of the legislative branch to formulate laws would have been weakened. B. New Deal bills would have passed through Congress more easily. C. The ability of Congress to judge the constitutionality of laws would have been lessened. D. Supporters of New Deal legislation would have been appointed.

4 #3. A primary responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission is… A. to regulate stock markets B. to oversee banking transactions C. to insure bank deposits D. to recommend profitable stocks

5 #4. Which of the following women advocated for both women’s and African American’s rights during the New Deal Era ? A. Frances Willard B. Dolores Huerta C. Jane Addams D. Eleanor Roosevelt

6 #5. In what ways did New Deal programs, such as Work Progress Administration (WPA), Social Security Administration (SSA), and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) affect the role of the government? A. Congress replaced the president as the initiator of most government programs. B. Federal government pensions were administered at the state level. C. The government abandoned deficit spending to fund its programs. D. The federal government took an active role in protecting individual prosperity.

7 #6. The various legislation passed during the New Deal initiated which of the following? A. Subsidies for U.S farmers were canceled. B. The national debt decreased. C. A national minimum wage was established. D. Unions were made illegal.

8 #7. Which of the following New Deal programs conserved natural resources, controlled floods and navigation, and generated electric power? A. Civilian Conservation Corp B. Tennessee Valley Authority C. Federal Securities Act D. Civil Works Administration

9 #8. Which constitutional issue was raised by President D. Roosevelt’s attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court? A. separation of powers between the judicial and executive branches B. power of federal government to regulate interstate trade and taxes C. authority of the states to nullify federal laws D. extent of the implied powers of the legislative branch

10 #9. The U.S Social Security Act of 1935 continues to help people today through… A. payment of electric bills and public housing B. pensions for the elderly and unemployment compensation C. direct relief payments and job creation D. regulation of the stock exchange and insurance for bank deposits

11 #1 0. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Emergency Banking Relief Act positively impacted the U.S by.. A. allowing banks to issue gold in exchange for cash B. creating bank loans to provide assistance to struggling farmers C. forcing banks to foreclose on weak businesses D. allowing financially sound banks to remain open for business

12 #11. How did the Great Depression change the perception of the role of the federal government in the lives of U.S citizens? A. There is a greater distrust for federal interference in interstate commerce. B. There is a less dependence on the federal government for employment. C. There is a greater acceptance of federal regulation of banking. D. There is less dependence on the federal government for farm subsidies.

13 #12. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was effective in the… A. infrastructure it built throughout the country B. building of homes for the unemployed C. regulations it imposed on farm production D. protection of a minimum wage

14 #13. Which New Deal program was created in 1933 in response to the thousands of bank failures that occurred in the 1920s and early 1930s? A. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation B. Federal Emergency Relief Administration C. Securities and Exchange Commission D. National Industrial Recovery Administration

15 #14. Which of the following statements about the New Deal’s impact on the federal government is not true? A. The federal government provided pensions to retirees. B. The federal government was given the authority to regulate the stock market. C. The federal government introduced state- supported health care insurance. D. The federal government insured bank deposits.

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