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These amazing animals Авторы: Солодкова Т.А., Романова Е.Г.

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Presentation on theme: "These amazing animals Авторы: Солодкова Т.А., Романова Е.Г."— Presentation transcript:

1 These amazing animals Авторы: Солодкова Т.А., Романова Е.Г.

2 Introduction  Do you know unusual animals of our planet ? Can you name them?  Let’s go to a wonderful country and meet interesting animals that live there.  Do all tasks in Microsoft Word and send to me:

3 Step I  What is the name of this country?  Where is it situated?

4 Step II Which of these animals live in Australia? Write their names. Use the sites and

5 Step III Answer the questions. 1. What animals can you see on the state emblem of Australia? 2. What animal can jump very high? 3. What does the word “koala” in the aborigine language? 4. What bird can’t fly? 5. What marsupial animal is the smallest ? 6. What leaves doesn’t koala eat and why?  These sites - 1 и 2 – will help you. 1212

6 Step IV Duckbill. What do you know about this animal? Find some interesting facts about it and make up a short story. Use the sites and

7 Ты можешь поставить себе «5», если  Ты ответил на все вопросы (Step I, Step III)  Ты нашел животных, обитающих в Австралии и перевел названия на английский язык. (Step II)  Твой рассказ содержит 10-12 предложений. (Step IV)  Работа выполнена в формате Word

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