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+ Paragraph Writing: Family member and Friend Italian 8.

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1 + Paragraph Writing: Family member and Friend Italian 8

2 + FATE ADESSO! Provide two traits (physical and personal) about 1) a family member (physical) 2) friend (personal)

3 + Obiettivo Students will be able to use their knowledge of avere and essere by describing a friend and a family member for a quiz grade.

4 + Example of a Family member paragraph Mia madre si chiama Maria. Mia madre e’ un’infermiera. Lei ha i capelli castani e gli occhi marroni. Lei ha 50 anni. Lei e’ molto intelligente e simpatico. My moms name is Maria. My mom is a nurse. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is 50 years old. She is very intelligent and nice.

5 + Example of a friend paragraph La mia amica migliore si chiama Rebecca. La mia amica ha 27 anni. Lei e’ una poliziottoa. Lei ha i capelli castani e gli occhi marroni. Lei e’ molto divertente e paziente. My best friends name is Rebecca. My best friend is 27 years old. She is a police officer. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is very funny and patient.

6 + Instructions for Class time In today's class, you are to write about ONE family member and ONE friend. Make you include in the description: 1. ) introducing the person 2.) The persons age 3) The persons occupation 4) TWO physical descriptions 5) TWO personal descriptions ** My examples are goof to use to help you start

7 + Avere Conjugations-to have : age, physical descriptions, having something SingularPlural io – honoi – abbiamo tu – haivoi – avete lui / lei – haloro – hanno

8 + Essere conjugations – to be personal descriptions, occupation SingularPlural io – sononoi – siamo tu – seivoi – siete lui / lei – e’loro – sono

9 + When talking about a family member MaleFemale miomia padre – fathermadre- mother Fratello- brotherSorella - sister Zio – uncleZia – aunt Cugino – male cousinCugina – female cousin Nonno – grandfatherNonna - grandmother

10 + When talking about a friend When discussing your best friend, you use Il mio amico migliore – my best friend (male) La mia amica migliore – my best friend ( female)

11 + EXTRA CREDIT Once completed with the first two writings, you MAY write a THIRD descriptions in PLURAL form to receive 5 points for extra credit. You are to work individually, unless I say otherwise. DUE: END OF CLASS MLA FORMAT WRITTEN IN PEN

12 + Adjectives that can be used- change ending based on gender and number Basso Alto Simpatico Felice Contento Triste Grande Piccolo

13 + Adjectives that can be used- change ending based on gender and number Bruno Biondo Intelligente Paziente Impaziente Infelice Divertente Calmo Energico

14 + Adjectives that can be used MORE ADJECTIVES CAN BE FOUND ON Opposites_Nationalities powerpoint on webpage Also use NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATE and SDL TRANSLATOR

15 + L’uscita – Exit Slip Write 3 things they learned, 2 things they have a question about, 1 thing they want the instructor to know Or Write a summary of what was learned today – be specific with examples!

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