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Nonlocality test of continuous variable state 17, Jan,2003 QIPI meeting Wonmin Son Queen’s University, Belfast.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonlocality test of continuous variable state 17, Jan,2003 QIPI meeting Wonmin Son Queen’s University, Belfast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonlocality test of continuous variable state 17, Jan,2003 QIPI meeting Wonmin Son Queen’s University, Belfast

2 Contents I EPR paradox vs Locality EPR argument Bohr’s reply Einstein’s Locality Bell’s inequality CHSH version CH version Bell’s inequality for N-dim. state

3 Dichotomic observable –Gisin-Pere’s vs Psudospin observable –Wigner (CHSH) vs Q-function (CH) Continuous variable state –EPR state –Nonlocality test with Psudospin, Wigner, Q-Function Measurement More than two outcome measurement Summary and future work Contents II

4 EPR paradox vs Locality A.Einstein et al,Phys. Rev. 47 (1935) 777 ; “Completeness” and “Element of reality” EPR state “…quantum mechanical description of physical reality given by wave function is not complete.” x1x1 x2x2 p1p1 p2p2

5 EPR paradox vs Locality N. Bhor, Phys. Rev. 48 (1935) 696 “Principle of complementarity” ; mutually incompatible test No conclusion can be drawn from the comparison of possible results of mutually incompatible measurements. ?x2x2 ?p2p2

6 EPR paradox vs Locality A. Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist,(1949) …… the paradox forces us to relinquish one of the following two assertions; (1)The description by means of the wave function is complete (2) The real states of spatially separated objects are independent of each other  Einstein’s locality

7 Bell’s inequality D. Bohm ; EPR paradox in terms of the decay of a spinless system into a pair of spin half particles. von Neumann ; existence of hidden variables (Cryptodeterminism ) J. Bell ; Quantum mechanics predicts the correlation that any local hidden variable can not reproduce. Einstein’s local realistic model ??? Quantum mechanics nonlocal !!!

8 Bell’s inequality CHSH version of Bell’s inequality (1969) where For the Bohm version of EPR state (cf singlet ) maximum violation for specific measurement

9 CH version of Bell’s inequality (1974) Bell’s inequality where Different measurements (different observables) Noise robust Bell’s inequality tests

10 Bell’s test for N-dim. system Arbitrarily large spin Gisin-Peres observable for Bell’s test of N-dim. System  are block diagonal matrices and each block is comprised in pauli matrix   is a matirx whose only non-vanishing element is  NN =1 for N is odd The maximum violation for even state. Entangled pure state always violates the Bell’s inequality

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