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By:Adriana, Melissa, Mayra and Tiffany Memorial City.

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1 By:Adriana, Melissa, Mayra and Tiffany Memorial City

2 Memorial Hermann Locations There are 12 Memorial Hermann facilities followed by rehabilitation centers, institutions and specialty centers that provide the care for those in need. Local: More than 1,000 affiliated medical staff and 1,600 employees Global: 5,000 affiliated Physicians and 21,000 employees Memorial Hermann Memorial City: 921 Gessner Rd Houston, TX 77024

3 Mission Statement Provide high quality health services in order to improve health of the people in Southeast Texas. Vision:To be the preeminent health system in the United States by advancing the health of those we serve through trusted partnerships with Physicians, employees and others to deliver the best possible health solutions while relentlessly pursuing quality and value.

4 History 1970 1975- South Wing of the hospital opens Gynecology, Medicine and Cardiology 1971- Memorial City general Hospital opens with less than 100 operating beds and a Professional Office Building 1980 1983- North Wing of the Hospital opens with General Surgery and Oncology 1984- Medical Plaza 2 opens: Radiation Therapy opens 1985- Cardiac Surgery Program opens 1990 1991 - floors 3-7 of the North Tower opens with physician suites 1994-Merger with Memorial Hermann Healthcare system becoming “Memorial Hospital Memorial City 1996- Outpatient surgery Center opens -Urology Center Opens 1997- Merger with Memorial Hermann becoming “Memorial Hermann Memorial City Hospital 2000 2003- Floors 1-6 of the new East Tower opens with Neurology unit, Intermediate Care Unit, Critical Care Unit, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Medical/Surgery floors 2005- Heart & Vascular Institute- Memorial City opens in the top three floors of the East Tower: Medical Plaza 3 opens 2006- Medical Plaza 4 opens: Groundbrea king for Memorial Hermann Tower 2007- Bobetta Linding Breast Cancer opens with Digital Mammography in Medical Plaza 4 -(September) Memorial Tower Construction Start -(December) Topping out- construction reaches full bright 2009- (December) Dedication and Move-In

5 Safety procedures Safety precautions; Isolation rooms you need to wash your hands gloves gown clean equipment after coming out depending if its airborn or not you need to wear a mask

6 Job requirements This job requires us to be: Patience Be on time WASH HANDS ALL THE TIME Wear the correct clothing (scrubs) Have our badge for recognition If patients are in isolation wear the right protective gear Exceptional Care

7 6E In the Orthopedic floor, my shift consists of regularly roundings. By assisting the RN and The Nursing Assistant, it’s my job to make sure the patients are safe and comfortable. Going from room to room, making sure the 4 P’s are well taken care of. ●Pain ●Potty ●Possession ●Position Glucometer Vital Signs Continuous Passive Motion

8 Personal Relations Nursing Director Maria-Belen Jardiolin Manager Jenneta Manning Jennifer, Ju Register Nurse Jennifer has also made a great impression on me, she is a wonderful RN. Always so sweet and helpful with everyone. She’s also a great advisor and offers help with college. She attended a community college for 2 years and transferred to The University Of Houston, which is something that I have also considered Maria- Belen and Jenneta have made a great impression on me. They’re the engines in the Orthopedic floor, very hard working and always making sure Patients are satisfied and are receiving the highest quality care.

9 Personal Relationships My favorite on the job-experience is to be able to take vital signs, check sugar levels, pick up blood and chart. I have learned so much from this wonderful experience, I have especially learned the importance of teamwork in order to offer exceptional care. I appreciate the responsibility and trust that is given to me as a High School Student. But mostly, being helpful during the process of a patient's rehabilitation. I also appreciate Mrs.Tusa, Maryellen, Mrs. Miller and Maria-Belen for helping me obtain this opportunity. I will always remember this experience as a stepping stone to my future career. Because after all, this opportunity will serve as a better understanding of the medical facility and by shadowing I will learn how to become a successful Physician Assistant. -Adriana Molina

10 7M Oncology The director on my floor is Mila Goldstein, our manager is Nickolaus Escobedo they are both incharge of the schedule of all the employees on the floor. They both make sure that we have enough staff to have a successful day of work.

11 A typical day at work A typical day in the Oncology floor consists of introducing ourselves to our patients and getting report from the night shift, there is always an assignment in the break room and at the nurses station so you can know which patients you’re taking care of. We also take vitals at 8am, 12pm and 4pm.We also check blood sugars at 12pm and 4pm. Through out the day we make beds and help patients with assistance to the bathroom, to take a shower or to eat. We do hourly roundings to make sure everyone is ok. We work a 12 hour shift from 7am-7pm.

12 Personal Relationships My favorite job experience is being able to make someone smile, I’ve learned that by being kind to someone it gives them hope and some relief. I appreciate the fact that I was given this job opportunity that has increased my knowledge and skills in the medical field I will always be thankful towards Mrs.Tusa, Mila and Mary Ellen as well. Someone who has made a great impression on me is my trainer Ashley Coleman, she taught me everything I know so far and I am grateful for having her as a trainer, she didn’t talk to me as a high school student but as a co-worker and friend and that made it easy for me to get comfortable and to learn and be able to ask questions. -Melissa Servin

13 A day in General Medicine is very busy starting with introducing ourselves with patients and taking vital signs at 8am 12pm and 4pm. At 12pm and 4pm we also check blood sugars.Wait there is more we also help patients groom themselves.Our shift is from 7am to 7pm. 6M

14 Typical day at 6M General Medicine! A typical day at on 6m is starting by clocking in and putting your lunch or belongings in the break room.In the break room there is the paper that tells you what patients you have for the day.After that you go to the person that had your patients to get report.Report is when the person had is about to leave the shift tells you about the patient your going to get.

15 Our family at 6M General medicine! Floor manager Velva Smith PCA Amanda Jamie PCA JOY

16 Memories First I want to thank all the people that helped me get this far.I am extremely thankful for this opportunity, to experience the joy of helping people.The greatest thing I have learned is that it doesn't matter how little is the things you do to help someone it will always give them a spark of hope and relief.My favorite job experience is seeing patient smile and looking at me as angel!What I can say is that I love the fact that I am helping people and intering the field that I want to work in.Im sure this field will leave wonderful momories that will never will be forgotten and that will follow me where ever I go... -Mayra Garcia

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