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Literary terms By : Gaby Magana Corazon Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary terms By : Gaby Magana Corazon Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary terms By : Gaby Magana Corazon Rodriguez

2 Alliteration  Definition: it’s the commencement of two or more words in a group of words with the same letter.  Ex. They twirl through the trek tumbling towards the tide

3 Ballad Definition: a simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing. Definition: a simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing. Ex. 3. any poem written in similar style Ex. 3. any poem written in similar style

4 Characterization Definition: the creation and convincing representation of fictitious characters.Definition: the creation and convincing representation of fictitious characters. Ex. They illustrate or confirm the rule clearly. They are unambiguous.Ex. They illustrate or confirm the rule clearly. They are unambiguous.

5 Connotation & denotation Definition: an act or instance of connoting. the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression. Definition: an act or instance of connoting. the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression. Ex. I can't believe I fell for counterfeit Superbowl tickets. The guys will be crestfallen when they find out. Ex. I can't believe I fell for counterfeit Superbowl tickets. The guys will be crestfallen when they find out.

6 dialogue dialogue Definition: the conversation between characters in a novel or drama. Definition: the conversation between characters in a novel or drama. Ex. They called me when they couldn't get you. Ex. They called me when they couldn't get you.

7 fable fable  Definition: a short tale to a lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters.  Ex: "The Crow was hugely flattered by this, and just to show the Fox that she could sing she gave a loud caw.

8 Figurative language Definition: audio pronunciations, example or sentences, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, translations, Definition: audio pronunciations, example or sentences, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, translations, Ex: The Silken Tent. A woman is admired for her strength and beauty, like a silken tent. Ex: The Silken Tent. A woman is admired for her strength and beauty, like a silken tent.

9 flashback  Definition: a device in the narrative of a motion picture, novel, etc.,  Ex: I had a flashback form when I was little.

10 hyperbole  Definition: an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally.  Ex: I am so tired I could sleep for a year.

11 Imagery  Definition: the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively:  Ex: The gurgling sound of my brother slurping

12 inference Definition: the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises. Definition: the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises. Ex: Just because the famous actor was seen in a jewelry store. Ex: Just because the famous actor was seen in a jewelry store.

13 irony  Definition: the use of words to convey a meaning to be opposite of its literal meaning.  Ex: Funny as hell

14 metaphor  Definition: something used, or regarded as being used.  Ex: As you'll see in this list, many of our stock phrases are actually metaphor

15 oxymoron Definition: a figure of speech by which a locution is Definition: a figure of speech by which a locution isproduces. Ex: Jumbo shrimp, followed by vegetarian meatballs, and for desert, grape nuts. Ex: Jumbo shrimp, followed by vegetarian meatballs, and for desert, grape nuts.

16 personification Definition: the representation of a thing or abstraction in to a person, as in art. Ex: Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there. - Proverb

17 simile Definition: a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared. Ex: Playing cards with Sam is like trying to outsmart a Vegas slot machine.

18 Thank you for your attention

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