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 starter activity Parties are created around broad ‘ideologies’. The terms left-wing and right-wing broadly classify the main differences. Where would.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity Parties are created around broad ‘ideologies’. The terms left-wing and right-wing broadly classify the main differences. Where would."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity Parties are created around broad ‘ideologies’. The terms left-wing and right-wing broadly classify the main differences. Where would you put these parties?

2 The party spectrum: left & right
 Aims To define what is meant by an ‘ideology’ To identify the differences between left- and right-wing politics

3 Ideology Broad principles around which parties are governed
‘Theory about the world and about society, and of the place of you and your group within it’ (I.Budge) Help to influence policy and to identify support

4 How far do you agree with the idea that with the end of Cold War and the triumph of liberal democracy the battle for ideas has been won and there is no longer a need for ideologies?

5 What do you understand about the differences between these ideologies?

6  Your task Create a political spectrum similar to the one on p.76 and explain the differences between these political ideologies: Communism Socialism Liberalism Conservatism Fascism

7  Your task Devise a questionnaire which could be used to determine where your fellow students are on the political spectrum

8  Your task What are the differences between left-wing and right-wing individuals? Annotate the two images with key characteristics. From Marx to Margaret

9 Modern-day politics is sometimes described as a ‘big tent’ affair
Modern-day politics is sometimes described as a ‘big tent’ affair. Define what is meant by this term and the phrase ‘centre-ground’ and give some examples of centre-ground politics. Watts, p.77-8

10  Extension task Study the information in Roberts, p and describe and evaluate the differences between the different methods of recording different ideologies. Which method do you prefer?

11  Plenary Give as many reasons as you can as to why we have political parties What are the four main types of party systems Does the UK have a 2-party system? What are the pros and cons of having this?

12  Homework Complete your notes on the differences between ideologies.
Read p on the development of the Labour Party Visit the Labour website and research the current policies of New Labour on Health, Education and Law & Order

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