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Parliamentary Committees in Democracies: Unit 6 Government Accountability and Parliamentary Committees.

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1 Parliamentary Committees in Democracies: Unit 6 Government Accountability and Parliamentary Committees

2 Learning Objectives Outline the role of parliament in ensuring government accountability; Explain recommended measures for effective accountability; Explain accountability for development.

3 What is Accountability? Ability to provide an explanation or justification and accept responsibility for events, transactions, and one’s own actions. An answer for the way money was spent; Exercising power and control; Mediating rights & using discretions in the public interest ; Those in power must act in the public interest fairly, and according to law. Fundamental to our system of government. (Source:

4 Accountability: Personal, Institutional & Public Personal Accountability: Individuals are held accountable for their decisions and actions; Institutional Accountability: Organization is accountable for its performance or corporate behavior; Public Accountability: A principle embracing the examination of the conduct of individuals in institutions of authority.

5 Accountability Requirements Meet statutory obligations Meet audit requirements Be able to produce evidence in court proceedings Be able to withstand the scrutiny of the media Meet industry-based standards for accreditation or quality assurance Justify actions to investigative bodies such as Royal Commissions and parliamentary committees

6 Parliamentary Accountability… …is premised on the fact that parliament, as the representative arm of government, has the duty to provide checks and balances on the activities of the executive on behalf of the citizenry.

7 Mechanisms for Parliamentary Accountability Committee systems: Committees systematically sustain scrutiny of the executive, ensuring government accountability and transparency to parliament. Question periods: A strong mechanism for compelling the executive to account for how it has administered the state Oversight roles: Legislature scrutinizes and publicizes instances of executive malfeasance; E.g., approval of budgets, oversight of implementation, and enforcement of proper auditing.

8 Measures for Effective Accountability Strengthen MP access to research and information; Strengthen political parties; Strengthen parliamentary oversight activities; Strengthen committee systems; Build the capacity of parliamentary staff; Build the capacity of MPs; Provide centres, such as well-equipped libraries and well-resourced research centres

9 Partnering for Accountability o Establish healthy relations with watchdog organizations civil society groups the media the electorate the public at large o Assess information, documentation, and encourage participation

10 The Role of Committee Staff in Accountability Access information for attention of committee members; Conduct research on issues of national interest that confront committees; Provide expertise; Draft legislation; Advise parliament on policy issues;

11 Strengthening Committees Strengthening committees can have a profound effect on accountability by: Limiting turnover of committee chairs and members; Strengthening committee research capacity; and Amending regulations to ensure that committees can compel members of the executive branch to testify Source:

12 Unit 6 Questions 1. Explain what you understand by accountability? Describe the different versions. 2. How can parliament ensure government accountability? 3. Explain the challenges likely to be faced by MPs in their effort to ensure accountability. 4. What are some of the recommended measures for effective accountability?

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