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Satire English IVA. For my “V” Students Notes are color-coded Red: Definition Blue: Concept Green: Theme Pink: Key Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Satire English IVA. For my “V” Students Notes are color-coded Red: Definition Blue: Concept Green: Theme Pink: Key Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satire English IVA

2 For my “V” Students Notes are color-coded Red: Definition Blue: Concept Green: Theme Pink: Key Words

3 Satire: Definition Noun: A literary composition which blends humor with criticism for the purpose of instruction or the improvement of humanity.

4 Satire: Purpose Ridicules human weakness in order to change society

5 Examples of Satire

6 Modes of Satire Mock-Heroic Parody Lampooning Spoof Caricature

7 Mock-Heroic(Heroism) Form of satire Mocks common Romantic/modern stereotypes of heroes Unusually brave, mighty and great

8 With a partner: Write down an example of a movie/TV show/song/book that features Mock Heroism

9 Parody Form of satire Imitates another work of art in order to ridicule

10 With a partner: Write down an example of a movie/TV show/song/book that is a Parody

11 Lampooning Form of Satire Explicitly ridicules specific individuals/groups instead of human kind Ex. Editorial Cartoons

12 With a partner: Write down an example of a movie/TV show/song/book that Lampoons a person/group of people

13 Spoof Form of Satire Humorous take on established idea, cultural movement, t.v. show, movie, play or book Poke fun at aspects while retaining general plot or idea

14 With a partner: Write down an example of a movie/TV show/song/book that is a Spoof

15 Caricature Form of Satire Exaggeration by means of often distortion of parts of characteristics

16 With a partner: Write down an example of a movie/TV show/song/book that features a caricature

17 Methods of Satire

18 Juxtaposition -noun an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. Often is ironic.

19 Explain Explain juxtaposition to your partner.

20 Mirroring -verb to mimic or imitate a person/thing accurately

21 Explain Explain mirroring to your partner.

22 Exaggeration -noun to make greater or more noticeable than usual, to make an overstatement

23 Explain Explain exaggeration to your partner.

24 Repetition A statement, action, performance, production or presentation occurring more than once, often for comic effect or for emphasis.

25 Explain Explain repetition to your partner.

26 Let’s test your knowledge Write down whether you think the image/film clip/song/text uses one of the following methods of satire: Juxtaposition Mirroring Exaggeration Repetition

27 1. Stephen Colbert

28 2. Magazines

29 3. White and Nerdy

30 4. Peter (This one has two!)

31 5. Kronk’s Shoulders

32 6. The Onion

33 7. Fahrenheit 911

34 Exit Slip Turn in the paper that has the examples of the different modes of satire and methods mini-quiz with BOTH of your names on it.

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