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UNIT 2 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1492 Columbus discovered America UNIT 1.

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2 1492 Columbus discovered America UNIT 1

3 1620 Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock UNIT 1

4 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials UNIT 1

5 UNIT 2 1750-1800 A NATION IS BORN

6  By 1750, there were 4 th and 5 th generation Americans of European descent living in Virginia and New England.

7  These people were English subjects and, apparently, satisfied with that status. In fact, few gave much thought to independence.

8  Between the mid-1760s and the mid-1770s, however, attitudes changed dramatically.

9  King George imposed a number of regulations that threatened the liberties of the colonists.

10  With each measure, the outrage in America grew, finally erupting into war.


12 THE AGE OF REASON  The 18 th century is often characterized as the Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason.

13  The writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment valued reason over faith.  Unlike the Puritans, they had little interest in the hereafter, believing instead in the power of reason and science to further human progress.

14  They spoke of a social contract that would form the basis of government.  The American statesmen of the Revolutionary Period were themselves figures of the Enlightenment.

15  Men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, who not only expressed the ideas of the Age of Reason, but put them into practice.

16  In contrast to the private, soul- searching of the Puritans, much of the literature produced during the Revolutionary period was public writing: newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, almanacs.


18 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN “THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY”  1706 – 1790  Age 16: apprenticed as a printer and a writer.

19 Satirized daily life and politics in Boston. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

20 SATIRE  A literary GENRE where shortcomings are held up to ridicule…

21 SATIRE  with the intent of shaming individuals, and society, into improvement.

22 SATIRE  Although meant to be funny, it’s greater purpose is constructive criticism, using wit as a weapon.

23 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN  At 17, moved to Philadelphia opened a print shop and began writing “Poor Richard’s Almanac”…

24  were popular books in colonial America. ALMANACS

25  A mixture of seasonal weather forecasts, practical household hints, puzzles, and other amusements.

26 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN  Franklin used a PSUEDONYM Because he wished to retain his ANONYMITY!!

27 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN  Franklin used APHORISMS, a brief and forceful saying expressing a general truth.


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