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EXTERNAL FACTORS INFLUENCING CHANGE. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT  The habitat where the society exists  Climate, vegetation, animal populations, humans  Gradual.

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2 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT  The habitat where the society exists  Climate, vegetation, animal populations, humans  Gradual changes have ripple effects  Natural disasters, environmental issues

3 POPULATION CHANGES  Immigration / emigration leads to social change  The social system expands with new unique needs  Residence, jobs  Cultural exchanges lead to new and changing attitudes and beliefs

4 PROXIMITY  How close a cultural group is to other distinct groups influences how society changes  Societies close to each other change more rapidly than those farther apart  Intercultural contact leads to change

5 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE, SOCIAL VALUES  The social environment dictates the rate of change of a society  Collectivist societies value conformity, uniformity, and cooperation  Individualist societies are guided by rights and freedoms, and personal goals  more tolerant of variability and change

6 TECHNOLOGY  Wide-reaching implications on institutions, customs, values  The single most important mechanism driving progress (Ogburn)

7 THEORIES OF CHANGE  EVOLUTIONARY THEORY  Societies evolve from simple to complex  Progress is measured by society’s ability to improve conditions and innovate  CYCLICAL THEORY  Change in society is like the change of the seasons  Each season has distinct features and conditions  Traditions, beliefs, values come into fashion and fall out of favour in cycles

8 THEORIES OF CHANGE, CONT’D  CHALLENGE AND RESPONSE THEORY – (ARNOLD TOYNBEE)  The ability to respond to internal and external forces and respond successfully determines a society’s fate  Civilizations are careful not to repeat the past mistakes of others  FUNCTIONALIST THEORY OF CHANGE (COMTE)  Interested in how society maintains stability and social order in the face of many forces that drive change  Looks at cultural patterns and traditions that contribute to stability  Society is affected by institutions – family, education, economic  Generates new norms, roles, expectations

9  CONFLICT THEORY OF CHANGE  Concerned with the inequities that plague societies  Marxism  Groups with opposing interests are in conflict – ie. Rich vs. poor  Society is subjected to constant change causing constant disorganization and conflict  Strain between the command class and the obey class

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