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Youth Coordinated Entry System The Pilot in Hollywood.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Coordinated Entry System The Pilot in Hollywood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Coordinated Entry System The Pilot in Hollywood

2 Discussion Points  What Does the Youth CES Pilot Look Like?  Accomplishments Thus Far  Lessons Learned and Challenges  What is Ahead?

3 The Youth CES Pilot  Funding  Participating Agencies  Tools  LAHSA’s Role  Care Coordination Meetings  Youth CES Coordinator and Peer Navigator’s Role  Evaluation Plan

4 Funding The Hollywood YCES Pilot

5 Participating Agencies & Partners

6 Tools  Community Sign In  Next Step Tool  HMIS Comparison Tracking Sheet  HMIS  Operations Manual:  To be used as an adaptable guide

7 LAHSA’s Role  All Things HMIS  Collaboration with County Systems, Including LAC Probation, DCFS, DMH, Regional Center  Collaboration with Educational Systems  Engagement of ERT into Youth CES  Assisting in Monitoring and Problem Solving Around the Pilot

8 Care Coordination Meetings  Regular Meetings with all Partners  Discussion of Next Step Tool Scores  Discussion of Housing Vacancies/Supportive Services  Connection of Young People to Housing and Supportive Services  Support/Check-Ins

9 Youth Choice  Section of the NST  When a linkage is made the young person has the choice to say yes or no with no penalty.

10 Youth CES Coordinator  Facilitate Care Coordination Meetings  Deliver and Train Staff on Next Step Tool  Assist with Data Entry into HMIS (NST & CSI)  Monitor Implementation  Help agencies Navigate System Issues  Participate in COC Meetings  Build Relationships with Community Partners to Participate in CES and/or to Expand Service Relationships

11 Peer Navigator  Support Young People and Agencies throughout the Youth CES Process  Participates in Care Coordination Meetings  Trained to Deliver the NST  Co-lead Youth Community Advisory Board (YCAB)

12 Pilot Evaluation  Hired an Outside Evaluator (Focus Strategies)  Process Evaluation (e.g. did we meet our targets -# of youth assessed, linked, retained?)  Outcome Evaluation (e.g. How well did CES work in getting youth housed? Were there unintended consequences?)  Youth Feedback about CES  Provider Feedback about CES  1 st Quarterly Report est. April 2016

13 Accomplishments Thus Far  107 Young People Screened  19 Young People Linked to a next step for housing  9 Young People Have Been Housed  DMH now Co-Located at CHC  Occupancy Rates have Increased  Waiting lists have Decreased

14 Lessons Learned/Challenges  HMIS= BIG PROCESS and a learning curve for some agencies  Integration of CES into agencies has taken time  Data entry is REAL work  Agencies are willing to let go of their waiting lists  How to best serve low scoring young people?  Is Community Sign In providing useful information?  Creating a trauma informed CES and what that might mean with limited housing resources  The need for resources to help maintain young people in housing (i.e. voucher based housing)  Re-iterating that CES is not the end all be all – there is still a lot of ground work we must continue to do as service providers  Managing Out of Area Referrals

15 “Should I refer youth from ______to Hollywood?”  Hollywood is currently in the piloting phase of YCES so we would prefer not to have referrals from other communities  Youth CES will be rolled out to other communities in Los Angeles within the next year  In the meantime, youth 18 and over outside Hollywood should connect with the Single Adult CES SPA Lead in their area.

16 What is Ahead?  Developing strategies for Integrating Rapid Rehousing funding into youth CES  Planning for Expansion to Other SPAs  Building out Operations Manual  Board of Supervisors TAY Motion  City and County Homeless Strategies include support to CES as a whole.


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