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Welcome Reception Information Evening Teachers and Teaching Assistants  Miss Jemma Irwin – Teacher  Miss Tash Kippen – Teaching Assistant  Mrs Arkle.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Reception Information Evening Teachers and Teaching Assistants  Miss Jemma Irwin – Teacher  Miss Tash Kippen – Teaching Assistant  Mrs Arkle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Reception Information Evening

3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants  Miss Jemma Irwin – Teacher  Miss Tash Kippen – Teaching Assistant  Mrs Arkle – Teaching Assistant (support)  Mrs Armitt – PPA Teacher  Mrs Oakes-French Teacher

4 So far…….  Very proud.  They have all settled into school. There are 18 children, (11 boys and 7 girls).  Becoming independent and used to the school routine.  Learnt some sounds, numbers.  Learnt many, many rules: playtime, classroom activities, behaviour… and are still learning. So good.

5 The Early Years Foundation Stage  It is the period of education from birth to five years.  There is a strong emphasis on learning through play, both child initiated and planned play.  The curriculum is delivered through:- a combination of whole class activities adult led focussed activities child initiated activities.

6 Development Matters

7 We follow the new EYFS which was implemented in September2012 The child’s learning is collected in a learning Journey. Class Jonah’s are called the ‘Clever Cat’ book.


9 Learning breakdown

10 Daily Routines  Children have access to outdoor play  Free milk in the morning  Break times – 1 in the morning – healthy snack from home required. 1 in the Afternoon – Rolling snack provided.  Home time - Please inform the teacher or school office of any changes to the usual home time arrangements.

11 Early Literacy We begin to read by learning Letters and Sounds  CD songs and action (jolly phonics)  Learn sounds in a special order.  Important that children know sounds very well.  Phonics sounds – Every night. Make it fun!!!  We keep you informed through the blog.

12 Story books and early reading  Reading diaries / home reading books / guided reading at school  Noticing the title, naming the characters  Questions- what will happen next? Do you like / dislike…?  Discuss the pictures.  Try to turn into a story using language of a story.  Reading is like juggling- looking at pictures, recognising words or using sounds as clues for decoding. 

13 High Frequency Words High frequency words in your reading diary. - Assessed half termly. -Should be practised continually throughout the year.

14 Early Mathematics  Use the world around you such as relating it to every day situations e.g setting the table.  Songs and rhymes.  From school, children will bring home a series of maths challenges. This is not compulsory homework but something you might choose to dip in and out of with your child. They are designed to be fun and encourage your child to become excited about mathematics and become mathematical thinkers in their everyday life! (This will start after October half term.)  Children will cover areas such as…

15  Knowing, saying, writing and using numbers to 10 or 20 perhaps even beyond.  Understanding addition and subtraction practically.  Recognising size and shapes, 2D and 3D.  Commenting upon the world around them, noticing patterns, similarities and differences and using their senses.  Problem solving  Money  Time and days of the week

16 Our Learning Journey  Clever Cat books  Assessment- Fingertips

17 Good Relationships!  You can expect to be kept informed- chats after school, school diaries, arranged meetings, Parents Evenings, Reports.    Please let us know of any changes at home etc…  We are here to help, please come to us over any questions or concerns you may have.  Patience

18 Where will they be in a year?  Children will gain a knowledge of a considerable number of sounds which will continue over KS1.  They will use their sounds to word build.  Begin to write independently.  Be able to read words and simple books, using sight recognition and blending of sounds to build words.  Play simple team games, move to music, control body and movements. As well as lots, lots more…!!!

19 General Issues  PLEASE Name all clothes  Please keep spare pants and socks in school bags  No toys to school except for show and tell  Trips: Autumn - Glebe Farm Spring - To be confirmed Summer - To be confirmed  Paddington home every Friday with a child  Water bottles!

20 How you can help at home… We would like you to be involved in your child’s learning journey. -Much of a child's learning and development can take place spontaneously at home -We would like you to share it with us, online! Tom counted 20 toy cars correctly. 12.5.14

21 What do you want to know?  Anything you want to know?  Do you want more details? Write it on a post it and stick it on the table.

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