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The New Deal “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something” - FDR.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something” - FDR."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something” - FDR

2 Life in the 1930’s  Economy continued to worsen!  Industrial production fell!  More businesses and banks shut down!  Most lost jobs/homes/farms!

3 The New Deal  Goals—”The 3 R’s”:  Relief for the needy  Economic Recovery  Financial Reform  Hundred Days: Period when Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation!  What is legislation?

4 Fireside Chats  Roosevelt would address the public through “Fireside chats” – on the radio!!  Topics ranged from New Deal legislation to Fascism in Europe!  Informal and relaxed! People liked these!

5 Fireside Chats  Follow along and listen to Roosevelt deliver one of his Fireside Chats!

6 Reforming Bank & Finance  Emergency Banking Relief Act  Authorized the Treasury Dept. to inspect banks – if OK they could reopen!  Banks that needed help got loans!  Glass-Steagall Banking Act  Established Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).  Reassured people their money was safe in banks!  Federal Securities Act (FSA)  Made corporations provide information on all stock offerings  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)  Regulated the stock market!

7 Relief for the needy  Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)  Rise crop prices & lower production  Paid farmers to leave some land unseeded  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)  Men 18-25 to work building roads, parks, planting trees, etc.  Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)  Direct relief to needy  Helped furnish food/clothing to unemployed/aged/ill  Public Works Administration (PWA)  Money to states to create jobs  Construct schools/community building  Civil Works Administration (CWA)  4 million jobs! Schools/roads

8 More relief  National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)  Promoted industrial growth by establishing codes of fair practice for industries  National Recovery Administration (NRA)  Set prices of products to ensure fair competition, limited working ours, banned child labor

9 Second New Deal  Eleanor Roosevelt  Traveled the country, observing social conditions  Helped shape New Deal policies  Always reminded FDR of the suffering of the nation  Told him to appoint women to government positions  Gave a caring, human face to Roosevelt’s administration

10 Second New Deal  Works Progress Administration (WPA)  $5 billion to create jobs  Airports, construction/repair of roads, libraries, schools, hospitals, public works  Employed teachers, writers, artists, actors and musicians  National Youth Administration (NYA)  To help young people  High school/college students worked in clerical positions  200,000 students got aid/assistance  Social Security Act (SSA)  Money for the retired elderly, unemployed, families with dependent children & disabled

11 Video  acA acA

12 Your own fireside chat  You are now the president of the United States. You are about to give a Fireside Chat on one of the New Deal Programs (of your choosing). You will want to address the nation just like Roosevelt did, and explain (in YOUR OWN WORDS, and simply) the New Deal program you picked.  What will it do?  Who will it help?  How will it help?  Use the examples of Roosevelt's Fireside chats given in class!!

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