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Food & Agriculture Sector Group Update 18 August 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Food & Agriculture Sector Group Update 18 August 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food & Agriculture Sector Group Update 18 August 2004

2 General Observations Haor Assessment and the Quick Assessment has revealed : Farmers could not harvest standing crops, more specifically districts in the north-east worst affected Shortage of food stocks at household level People suffering from less or no income at household level to buy food Lack of work due to inundation and stagnation of water

3 Food Relief Distribution GoB and National/International NGOs distribution is progressing Allocated 8,259,144 families Rice 60,748 MT (40,290,939 people up to 18 August 2004) High energy biscuits 839 MT (621,500 people) Local Community???

4 Overall Observation Food needs especially of the poor vulnerable will continue -at least until the next harvest -until the revival of local livelihood Preparation is underway for GoB VGF distribution about to start from next week

5 Agriculture Water has receded from most of the farm lands Farmers are preparing the farm lands for cultivation In many places transplantation is taking place

6 General Observation General observation is acute shortage of seeds and seedlings Prices have significantly gone up at least four times more that the usual price The issue of needs vs the availability of seeds yet to be quantified Quick recovery options need to be considered

7 Options and priorities Homestead gardening Early varieties Rapid growing vegetables Supply of cattle feed and vaccines Pond renovation under food-for-works

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