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Joint Procurement of medical countermeasures EMCDDA Workshop Lisbon, 16 june 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Procurement of medical countermeasures EMCDDA Workshop Lisbon, 16 june 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Procurement of medical countermeasures EMCDDA Workshop Lisbon, 16 june 2015

2 What is the state of play ?  10 April 2014 : The Commission approves the Joint Procurement Agreement.  20 June 2014 : 15 Member States sign the Joint Procurement Agreement at the end of the EPSCO Council.  05 July 2014 : the Joint Procurement Agreement enters into force. Several more Member States have signed the Joint Procurement Agreement since than.

3 The signing ceremony

4 What is the state of play on the map ? 20 MS have signed and approved the JPA 1 MS will sign at EPSCO in June 6 MS are preparing the approval/ratification 1 MS will not participate so far

5 Why a Joint Procurement Agreement ? The JPA determines:  the practical arrangements governing the joint procurement procedure;  the decision-making process with regard to the choice of the procedure;  the assessment of the tenders  the award of the contract.

6 How does the Joint Procurement mechanism work? The Joint Procurement Agreement is managed by:  the JPASC; Joint Procurement Agreement Steering Committee. Members: representatives of all MS - Contracting Parties to the JPA  the SPPSC's; Specific Procurement Procedure Steering Committees. Members : representatives of MS participating to each specific procurement procedure

7 Joint Procurement Agreement Steering Committee The JPASC will decides on all matters related to the Joint Procurement Agreement, in particular:  on a medical countermeasure to be procured under the JPA  on the order of the procurement procedures

8 Specific Procurement Procedure Steering Committee(s) → Type of procedure, type of the contract → Definition and approval of the technical specifications → Exclusion, selection and award criteria → Takes the decision to award the market The Commission ensures/supports the overall preparation and organisation of the joint procurement procedure (Article 12 (1) JPA).

9 Who will participate? The participation in any joint procurement procedure/call for tender is "on a voluntary basis"

10 What needs to be agreed before launching a specific procedure ? Type of procedure: - open call for tender ? - restricted procedure ? - negotiated procedure ? - competitive dialogue ? - innovative partnership ?

11 What needs to be agreed before launching a specific procedure ? Type of contract: - direct contract ? - framework contract ? - Managed stockpile contract ? - Reservation contract ?

12 What needs to be agreed before launching a specific procedure ? Technical specifications: - type of vaccine ? Egg or cell or other ? - one or two doses ? - packaging ? Single syringe or not ? - with or without marketing authorization ? - … ?

13 What needs to be agreed before launching a specific procedure ? Selection criteria - on what basis could a tenderer be rejected ? Award criteria - on what basis are we going to rate tenders ? Weighting of Technical versus Financial - Lowest price ? - Best value for money ?

14 What are the chronological steps of the procedure ? Launch of the call for tender -once the tender documents have been prepared and approved by the SPPSC the Commission shall publish a contract notice in the Official Journal of the EU (Article 18 JPA) Public opening of the received tenders by the opening committee Evaluation of the tenders by the evaluation committee

15 What are the chronological steps of the procedure ? Award decision -the SPPSC will take the decision to award the market on the basis of the opinion expressed by the evaluation committee. Notification of the award decision -to all successful and unsuccessful tenderers Formal signature of the contract -after 14 calendar days' standstill period

16 Have we done something already ? We have started to prepare two joint procurements :  The pandemic vaccines  The Personal Protective Equipment

17 Participating Member States might gain :  Better access to the market;  More equitable access to pandemic vaccines/some treatments;  Improved security of supply;  More balanced and constant prices; What might be the advantages for Member States ?

18 Pharmaceutical industry might gain :  Reduction of administrative burden & costs;  Predictability of turn over;  Improved capacity/resources/production planning;  More constant and predictable financial revenues; What might be the advantages for the pharmaceutical industry ?

19 For further information … Or contact Magdalena Kolowcaor Jean-Luc Sion Tel +352 4301 33882 Tel +352 4301 36223

20 Thank you for your attention! Europe working for healthier, safer, more confident citizens ! ?

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