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Americanization and Globalization

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1 Americanization and Globalization

2 Americanization is a type of Globalization.
Globalization refers to the diffusion of cultural elements around the world, especially through economics. ECONOMIC DIFFUSION. Americanization refers to the spread of American culture to other countries, especially through economics. AMERICAN ECONOMIC DIFFUSION. Americanization is a type of Globalization. Writer David Held defines globalization as, “widening, deepening, and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life.” Now examine the following pictures and classify use them as evidence of the benefits and challenges of globalization.

3 Slide 1 McRice from India Mecca Cola Kuwait

4 Slide #1 – cont. Finland and Norway Shrimp Burger –
Hong Kong and Japan

5 Basketball, football and baseball were invented in the U. S
Basketball, football and baseball were invented in the U.S. but have become popular worldwide. At the 2004 Olympics, the US team got the bronze in basketball even though they had NBA All Stars. Slide 2

6 Slide 3 Tejano music blends German influences from central Texas with a traditionally Mexican style. Bob Marley made reggae music from Jamaica world famous. The Rolling Stones in China

7 Slide 4 People in South Africa waited in line for days to vote in 1994 because it was the first time all people were able to participate in a free democracy (popular sovereignty).

8 Slide 5 People around the world protest the conditions in American-owned factories. These “sweat shops” in poor countries pay workers little money for long hours in harsh conditions and often use child labor.

9 RSVP: Repondez s’il vous plait. Aloha Deja vu Beaucoup Gesundheit
Slide 6 Americans have access to foods from all over the world. RSVP: Repondez s’il vous plait. Aloha Deja vu Beaucoup Gesundheit Sayonara

10 Slide 7

11 Slide 8 Epcot in Japan The Simpsons on Arab tv – Homer becomes Omar, and because of Muslim culture, he won’t drink beer or eat bacon.

12 Slide 9 The Beatles from the U.K. on Ed Sullivan in the U.S.
Tulip electric car from Peugeot – a French company – in Warsaw, Poland Movie made in“Bollywood” – Bombay, India – being shown at the Cannes Film Festival in France

13 Slide 10 Poaching

14 Slide 11                     Macy’s Parade in NYC

15 Slide 12 Apple in China                        Microsoft in Japan

16 Slide 13                        Israel's leading rapper is a rightwing Jew with Ariel Sharon on his side. His rival is a leftwing Arab who compares Jews to Nazis. Hip-hop was supposed to bring them together - but politics keeps forcing them apart.

17 Slide 14 Cricket started in England but is now popular in places like India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand. Tiger Woods is part Caucasian, Thai, Chinese, Native American, and black. Here Tiger plays in Britain. Golf was invented in Scotland. Beckham in NZ

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