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Welcome, and Congratulations! Current Members: Sign in—please include your t-shirt size for us New Inductees: Please initial next to your name on the roster,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, and Congratulations! Current Members: Sign in—please include your t-shirt size for us New Inductees: Please initial next to your name on the roster,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, and Congratulations! Current Members: Sign in—please include your t-shirt size for us New Inductees: Please initial next to your name on the roster, and then print your name as you would like it printed on your membership certificate—this is also how it will be read during the induction ceremony. After this month, you’ll sign in by grade level. ALL: Please hold your dues until the end of the meeting—once we’ve given you a receipt, you’ll be considered dismissed.

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3 “To whom much is given, much is expected.” Four Pillars: Character Leadership Scholarship Service National Honor Society

4 Dues of $30 per year help to pay for necessary chapter expenses. These include purchasing the stoles for our graduating seniors, membership certificates & pins, meeting expenses, induction ceremony expenses, our annual dues for the national office, etc. Also includes your shirt! All dues for 2015-2016 are due NOW Please see Mrs. L if you need to make arrangements

5 Requirements to be recognized at graduation: *Attendance at monthly meetings (6 out of 8) *Complete minimum of 20 service hours (with a minimum of 4 through the chapter) *Minimum of cumulative weighted GPA of 90 through the end of the third quarter *Maintain impeccable reputation for Character, Leadership, Scholarship, Service National Honor Society

6 Service Hours: be sure to have the form filled out, signed, and turned in at the next meeting after your service (1 month deadline) White drawers on Mrs. L’s counter: top drawer has blank forms for you to pick up (don’t take the master!!!), second drawer is to turn the completed forms in. Form can also be found on the website. National Honor Society

7 Other Service Opportunities: *Key Club *Leo Club *HOSA *Skills USA *ROTC *FBLA *FCCLA *Best Buddies *Church & Community Groups National Honor Society Chapter Service Projects will be discussed during our monthly meetings— a minimum of 4 of your required 20 hours must be through our chapter

8 Ongoing project: we’re the pep club at the Jackson Jets games! National Honor Society

9 Our 2015-2016 NHS Officers are: PresidentRamirra Marshall Vice-PresidentAatif Ahmed Secretary-Treasurer Cory-Lynn Duncum National Honor Society - Officers

10 National Honor Society NHS t-shirts! We’d like to wear these on our monthly meeting days, and for NHS projects we complete together. Cost for shirt is covered in your dues—please make sure you put your size next to your name on the sign-in sheet.

11 Meetings: Why do I have to come? *Because I said so ;) *Because this is when we’ll talk about our chapter service projects *Because each meeting will feature some valuable information/guest speaker/helpful hints that will benefit you as you continue your educational/professional career National Honor Society

12 Induction Ceremony Monday, November 2nd 7:00 PM in the Rufus Adams Auditorium with reception to follow Inductees need to arrive no later than 6:30 PM Induction Ceremony!

13 Dress appropriately—if you arrive dressed too casually or in violation of the dress code, you will NOT be inducted. There will be NO exceptions. Current members: this applies to YOU, too. Ladies: Dress or dressy pantsuit Gentlemen: Slacks, long sleeved button-down shirt, tie, jacket is optional, dress shoes and socks NO JEANS, NO T-SHIRTS, NO TENNIS SHOES, NO SHORT SKIRTS, NO EXCEPTIONS Induction Ceremony

14 Comportment: This is a formal ceremony, commemorating significant achievements. Behave accordingly (and if necessary, give a quick tutorial to your family and friends on how to do the same) Induction Ceremony

15 Behave well: *Smile *Shake hands *Watch your volume & content of conversations *Be willing to meet & greet—you may see some of these folks again! Induction Ceremony

16 Find your assigned seat as soon as you arrive. You’ll have a program so you can follow along. Listen carefully to follow directions. There will be times in the ceremony where you’ll stand to recite the pledge of membership, you’ll have a parent or other family member put your pin on, you’ll come up on stage to sign the membership book and light your candle, then have a processional out toward the back. Induction Ceremony

17 National Honor Society How to stay informed:  Attend all meetings/check in with Mrs. L or the officers if you must miss for a valid reason  Check website for meetings/events (on JHS website, under Clubs/Organizations)  Sign up for Remind text messages

18 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Looking for other opportunities to be involved in JHS activities? The Academic Team is still recruiting! Practice is being held today right after this meeting in Ms. Rowland’s room, 217, and the next competition is this Thursday. The Speech & Debate Team is also still welcoming new members. Our first competition of the year is Saturday, October 17 th. See me this week if you’re interested in learning more. :

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