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Sun is 99.85% of mass of the Solar System. Sun’s magnetic polarity flips regularly with 22-year cycle. Magnetic field is concentrated by 1000x in center.

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Presentation on theme: "Sun is 99.85% of mass of the Solar System. Sun’s magnetic polarity flips regularly with 22-year cycle. Magnetic field is concentrated by 1000x in center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sun is 99.85% of mass of the Solar System

2 Sun’s magnetic polarity flips regularly with 22-year cycle. Magnetic field is concentrated by 1000x in center of sunspots. Sun’s luminosity has increased by 30% since its birth --- now grows by 1% every 100 Myr. May cause a runaway Greenhouse on Earth in 500 Myr that will extinguish multicellular life.

3 Nuclear Physics Binding Curve Fission Fusion In its core, the Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second.

4 Process of nuclear fusion within stars (fusing hydrogen into helium)

5 Solar Flares

6 A full-disk multiwavelength extreme ultraviolet image of the sun taken by Solar Dynamics Observatory on March 30, 2010. False colors trace different gas temperatures. Reds are relatively cool (about 60,000 K); blues and greens are hotter (greater than 1 million K).



9 Fig. 6-3, p. 165

10 Source: LLNL 2008; data are based on DOE/EIA-0384(2006). Credit should be given to LLNL and DOE. 10 ~44% Efficiency U.S. Energy Flow, 2006 (Quads) U.S. Energy Flow, 2006 (Quads) >70% of primary energy for the transportation sector and >60% of primary energy for electricity generation/use is lost


12 Total Rate of World Energy Use = 18 Terawatts  85% is from Fossil Fuels Total Power from the Sun at Earth’s Surface = 125,000 Terawatts!!  ~7000x Total Human Energy Use  1 Hour of Sunlight = 1 Year of Human Energy Use

13 Solar Photovoltaic Commercial Panels: 12% Efficiency Experimental Panels: 22% Efficiency Nanotech Cells: >40% Efficiency Direct electric conversion with several materials Inexpensive organic materials now exceed 6% efficiency

14 For Large-Scale Production, Mirrors Easier/Cheaper Than Panels Example: Kramer Junction solar power plants, Mojave Desert, CA * 150 MW

15 With 10% efficiency: 150 Mw = Solar Farm 2.5 km x 2.5 km (“Cost” ≈ $0.25/kW/hr) Average Solar Power Potential (factoring in atmosphere, clouds & nighttime): ≈ 235 W/m 2

16 Increase in Solar Photovoltaic Power: But issues with toxicity and reliability

17 Second-generation solar power: BIOMASS

18 Second-generation solar power: TRASH

19 Second-generation solar power: BIOFUELS

20 Second-generation solar power: COAL

21 Second-generation solar power: OIL & GAS

22 Second-generation solar power: WIND

23 Second-generation solar power: HYDROELECTIC

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