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For the benefit of business and people Lotus Notes R6 Training 4 February 2016 IT Division.

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Presentation on theme: "For the benefit of business and people Lotus Notes R6 Training 4 February 2016 IT Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 For the benefit of business and people Lotus Notes R6 Training 4 February 2016 IT Division

2 2 Agenda  Introduction to Lotus Notes  Overview of Screen Elements  Handling Email  Using Address Book  Organizing Folders  Other Functions  Archiving Emails  More about Notes

3 3 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Login screen Login ID »Pre-set in the machine Password »Minimum 6 digits »Case sensitive

4 4 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Legacy Workspace Workspace pages »Displays your Notes database icons Database icon »Represents a Notes database that you can open from your workspace Workspace Tab Menu Bar SmartIcon Toolbar Database Icons Workspace Page Bookmark

5 5 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Procedures: Open Legacy Workspace 1. Click icon from the Bookmark on the left 2. Click the icon from the Databases panel  Procedures: Set the Legacy Workspace as Default 1. Click icon from the Bookmark on the left 2. Right click icon from the Databases panel 3. Click “Set Bookmark as Home Page”

6 6 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Procedures: Adding an database icon to a Workspace Page 1. Select the workspace tab for the page to which you will add the icon. 2. Choose File  Database  Open OR Press Ctrl+O 3. Select the name of the server where the database is stored. Remember, databases can be local (on your computer) or on a Notes networked server 4. Select the Database by clicking on it 5. You can click Open to add the database icon and immediately open the database

7 7 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Workplace The Workplace has three portal-like tabs, which are divided into multiple panes that display your Mail, Calendar, To Do list, and so on. Several panes allow you to display your most frequently used Notes databases and Web sites -- helping you to organize and manage your daily tasks and communications with others in your company

8 8 Introduction to Lotus Notes  Workplace

9 9 Overview of Screen Elements  Basic screen element for mail database

10 10 Overview of Screen Elements  Preview pane Click the Show/Hide Preview Pane SmartIcon

11 11 Overview of Screen Elements  Procedures: Toolbar Setting 1. Click File  Preference  Toolbar Preference 2. In “Basics” on the left hand side, Turn on / off the toolbars by checking / un- checking “Shoe toolbars” option 3. In Toolbars on the left hand side, select those toolbars that you would like to enable by checking “Visible” 4. Press OK when completed

12 12 Handling Email  Read mail Unread mails have Red Star next to them Utilize the Navigate Previous/Next Unread to read those unread mail By clicking the Who, Date, Size column heading to perform the sorting Using the Action button for mail to perform the following actions: »Send new mail »Reply incoming mail »Forward incoming mail

13 13 Handling Email  Read attachment You can either View, Open, Edit, Save, Delete an attachment Double-click the attachment icon within the document To view the attachment, simply click View button to view the attachment »Lotus notes will use its file viewer to display the file To open the attachment, select Open and Notes opens a copy of the file in the application in which it was created To edit the attachment, select Edit and Notes opens a copy of the file in the application in which it was created »The file will be saved in the Temp Folder in Windows, remember to press Save As to save the file into any desire location after modification To save the attachment, select Save and select the drive and directory you want the file stored For Delete usage, please refer to slide 19

14 14 Handling Email  Send new mail Press New Memo button in the Action Bar OR Press Ctrl+M Two different formats for email address »Notes (Internal) format: Joe YM Chan/HKG/VERITAS »Internet (Universal) format: For sending mail to internal staff in Notes format, type the name and press F9 or Enter For sending mail to certain people in a group: »Type the Group name »Press F9 »Delete un-want address on the group If you don’t want to send the mail out, simply press ESC and select Discard If you would like to paste picture to your new mail, simply press Edit > Paste Special > Device Independent Bitmap in order to lower the size of the image

15 15 Handling Email  Procedures: Mail formatting Highlight those words Select Text  Properties OR press  Procedures: Spell check Select Edit  Check Spelling OR press

16 16 Handling Email  Procedures: Signature Press Tools  Preferences Select the Signature Tab on the screen Check the box in “Automatically append…..” Type in the signature content Press OK

17 17 Handling Email  Procedures: Modify user details Open the VERITAS Directory database Select your name and double click Press in the Action Bar Edit the info such as select location, direct line, position….. Press Save and close when complete

18 18 Handling Email  View mail at Draft and check size You can save any mail as Draft for processing later Those draft mails can be viewed in the Draft Folder You can view the total size of the mail at the bottom of the View Pane

19 19 Handling Email  Procedures: Delete attachment when reply mail In order to lower the storage burden of your mail box as well as the server, user should have the good practice to delete the attachment when replying mails Double click the attachment in the history of reply mail, Click “Delete” and select “Yes” when the follow prompt appears The following message will be added automatically »[attachment "excel-2.xls" deleted by Joe YM Chan/HKG/VERITAS]  Procedures: Delete mail Mark those mails you would like to delete Press Delete button in the Keyboard There will has a icon marked in front of the mail If you don’t want to delete specific mail, press delete again to remove the Trash icon of specific mail Press F9 to proceed the deletion

20 20 Handling Email  Procedures: Link Hotspot Link hotspot allow you to add any link to URL in your mail Simply highlight any text in your mail Select Create  Hotspot  Link Hotspot Type in the URL in the Value text box

21 21 Handling Email  Procedures: Search mail Press View Show/Hide Search Bar in the Action Bar When the Search Bar appears, enter the key word in the Search for box If you would like to specify more criteria, press “More” on the right of the Search Bar and advanced searching option will be shown

22 22 Using Address Book  There are two address book for each Lotus Notes users: Personal Veritas Directory  Search technique Surname + Space + Comma + Space + First Name  Modify personal particular Refer to Slide 17  Modify user details  Users can only add new contact and group in their Personal address book

23 23 Using Address Book  Procedures: Create group and add group members Open the Personal address book Select Groups view in the Navigation pane on the left of the screen Click Add Group in the action bar Fill in the group name Click the Members drop-down box and select members from the Address Book Click Save and close

24 24 Organizing Folders  Procedures: Create folders Open the database where you will create folder Click Folder Action Bar button Choose Create Folders Enter the name of the new folder, select the type and location for the folder Click OK  Procedures: Delete Folders Select the folder in the Navigation pane Choose Actions  Folder Options  Delete Folder Click Yes Deleting a folder does not delete the documents contained in the folder. Only the container is deleted

25 25 Organizing Folders  Procedures: Adding/Moving documents to a folder Drag the document(s) to the folder or hold CTRL to drag documents to copy OR Select the document(s), then click Folders  Move to Folder on the action bar. Select the destination folder and click Add or Move  Procedures: Removing documents from folders You can remove documents from a folder without deleting them from the database. »Open the folder from the navigation pane »Select the document(s) to remove »Click Folders  Remove from Folder Caution: Deleting a document from a folder will delete the document from the database. Use Remove from folder to remove documents from a folder

26 26 Other Functions  Procedures: Replication Press the Replicator button on the bookmark The Replicator screen will be shown, simply press Start button to start the replication process

27 27 Other Functions  Procedures: Out of office Allow you to enable auto-reply mail when you are not in the office Press Tools  Out of Office in the Action Bar Specify the Date of Leaving/Returning, out of office message in the Out of Office dialog box When completed, press Enable and the function will be start When you back to office, simply go to Out of Office and select Disable

28 28 Other Functions  Procedures: Mail delegation Allow you to assign specific person to handle your mail and mailbox functions Press Tools  Preferences Select the Delegation Tab Assign specific person the access right on your mailbox and its elements

29 29 Archiving Emails  Size Limitation Under 5MB Send immediately Over 5MB Cannot be send

30 30 Archiving Emails  Mailbox size Maximum 1GB Alert email will be sent by ASIHelpDesk when the limit has been reached

31 31 Archiving Emails  Create different archive file (.NSF file)

32 32 Archiving Emails  Procedures: Archive the email manually Select the email that would be archived From the menu, click Action > Archive > Selected Documents Click “Yes to confirm the Archive process

33 33 More about Notes  Procedures: User Preferences Select File  Preferences  User Preferences Select Basic to modify the default font Select Mail to enable mail notification

34 34 More about Notes  Procedures: Change Password Choose File  Security  User Security Input your current password in the password prompt Click Change Password Input your current password again Enter a new password in the Change Password dialog box and click OK Enter your new password again and click OK Click OK

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