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ACF STAKEHOLDERS: OVERVIEW Working together to share a common resource.

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Presentation on theme: "ACF STAKEHOLDERS: OVERVIEW Working together to share a common resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACF STAKEHOLDERS: OVERVIEW Working together to share a common resource

2 Many Diverse Users ACF: The Challenge

3 ACF – The Issue Can the diverse users of the ACF Basin act cooperatively to create sustainable solutions among stakeholders that balance economic, ecological, and social values in the sharing of this natural resource?

4 To change the operation and management of the ACF Basin to achieve: Equitable solutions among stakeholders that balance economic, ecological, and social values Viable solutions that ensure that the entire ACF Basin is a sustainable resource for current and future generations ACF STAKEHOLDERS Working Together to Share a Common Resource MISSION

5 To provide leadership in developing a consensus-based basin-wide vision and a unified voice for the ACF Basin. To enhance communication among stakeholders in the ACF Basin. To develop a common scientifically valid understanding of the ACF Basin, including the interrelated nature of water management in the basin, the needs of all of its stakeholders, and the limitations of the system. To implement solutions that are based on the best available technology and science. To pursue appropriate change to institutional structure, policies, and procedures in implementing the solutions set forth by this entity. GOALS ACF STAKEHOLDERS Working Together to Share a Common Resource

6 Grassroots group representing ALL water users in the river system 56 Members – 14 Interest Caucus Representatives per sub-basin

7 Members include  Local Governments  Agriculture  Water Suppliers & Treatment Operators  Industry & Manufacturing  Chambers of Commerce  Power Companies  Environmental & Ecology Organizations  Water Experts  Water Policy Makers  Municipal Associations  Advocacy Groups First time ever members of this diverse group have sat together to make recommendations regarding the ACF Basin with the same goals. Member Organizations

8 Consensus is critical. ACFS members seek to understand one another’s interests as they work together, but accept that their interests will differ. Consensus ensures no stakeholder interest is left out.

9 Primary Sub-basin Interests Upper Chattahoochee Water Supply Economic Industry Lower/Middle Chattahoochee Navigation Power Generation Manufacturing Flint Agriculture Apalachicola Seafood Water Supply Economic Development Environmental Recreation Tourism

10 PROGRESS People continue to show up at meetings Selection of facilitation support Consensus on a scope of work and contractors for developing a Sustainable Water Management Plan and In-stream Flow Assessment Formation of Technical Oversight Work Group Raised $1,300,000 of $ 1.5 Million goal ACF STAKEHOLDERS Working Together to Share a Common Resource

11 PROGRESS Active committees One and five year plans Successful management transition Staff Research on Institutional Options for basin- wide management by University Collaborative

12 MAJOR PROJECTS ACF STAKEHOLDERS Working Together to Share a Common Resource Sustainable Water Management Plan – Modeling – Performance Metrics Instream Flow Assessment – Environmental needs Bay Assessment

13 Begin Water Management Alternatives iterative modeling Compare modeling runs to performance metrics Continue Institutional Options Reach for consensus Next Steps

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