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Breakout Session: Intensive Campaign Requirements and Strategies What is the rational for intensives? Need to develop and test methods before taking the.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout Session: Intensive Campaign Requirements and Strategies What is the rational for intensives? Need to develop and test methods before taking the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout Session: Intensive Campaign Requirements and Strategies What is the rational for intensives? Need to develop and test methods before taking the show on the road – Don’t build something big until you have tested a smaller version. Critical for methodological cross comparisons – Do multiple independent techniques give the same answer? Work on smaller areas – bite off something we can chew. Is it worth having further intensives? Is it better to sprinkle resources around or to concentrate some of them? Intensives have the potential to provide answers that are bigger than the sum of the parts. But it is critical for a planned intensive to maximize the return through ample leveraging of existing resources, etc.

2 Should intensives be organized spatially or would it be possible to organize them around a question? Could an intensive be organized around one of the knowledge gaps, as opposed to a region? Could there be an intensive synthesis activity, as opposed to an intensive measurement activity? We should broaden the idea of intensives beyond location based. Think about an intensive synthesis activity. Think about an intensive that is targeted directly at a bottle neck science question. Will the successful completion of the MCI provide enough of a test of methodology so that a further methodologically-based intensive is not needed? Probably not. MCI will likely generate ideas for methods that then require further testing. MCI will not probe all of the methodological challenges (for example, those posed by complex terrain). How do we deal with the need for intensives given the budget constraints? Think about leveraging, adding a few resources to crystallize something that is already approaching the scope of an intensive. Think about different types of intensives – ones based on synthesis rather than new measurements.

3 How should intensives be selected? Important for scientists to have an opportunity to bring their ideas forward, and then to receive some type of peer review/comments. White papers a good approach. Possibly compile the knowledge gaps that have been identified by the various breakouts, and then ask for white papers describing intensive activities (either field or measurement) that would fill gaps. Perhaps good ideas could be fleshed out in a formal proposal. What are some specific suggestions for intensives? (Not inclusive!!!!) Observational based on coastal ocean fluxes and land ocean coupling Observational based that piggy backs on a large carbon sequestration project Analysis based that uses Landsat stacks to produce higher temporal resolution disturbance gaps. Synthetic that focuses on understanding the relationship between short-term (such as photosynthesis) and long-term (changes in long-lived, slow turnover stocks) fluxes.

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