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Status of Analysis Software Kanglin He

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1 Status of Analysis Software Kanglin He

2 Outline  Physics Tools Project  Compose Tools  Particle ID  Analysis Event Data Model (BParticle Project)  Dst Event Data Model  Global Link and Event Assembly  Analysis Event Data Model  Physics Event Data Model  Event Tag Project  Physics Performance Check  Next Plan

3 Compose Tools  Telesis (TKinematicFit)  Part of BESII telesis package, by SDU  Klams(BKlamsVTX)  BESII klams0 program, by B.J. Liu  VertexFit:  new stuff, by K.L He  VertexFit  SecondVertexFit  KinematicFit

4 TKinematicFit #include "Telesis/TKinematicFit.h" TKinematicFit* kmfit = TKinematicFit::instance(); DstMdcTrack *pipTrk=xxx; DstMdcTrack *pimTrk = xxx; DstEmcTrack *g1Trk = xxx; DstEmcTrack *g2Trk = xxx; kmfit->init(ecms); kmfit->AddTrack(1, pipTrk, mpi, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(2, pimTrk, mpi, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(3, g1Trk, 0.0, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(4, g2Trk, 0.0, 0); kmfit->AddResonance(1, 0.135, 3, 4); If(kmfit->fit()) { HepLorentzVector ppip = kmfit->pfit(1); HepLorentzVector ppim = kmfit->pfit(2); HepLorentzVector ppi0 = kmfit->pfit(3) + kmfit->pfit(4); // user code, fill histogram/ntuple } // see Analysis/Physics/RhopiAlg/RhopiAlg-00-00-02 for detail

5 BKlamsVTX See Liu Beijiang’s talk and Analysis/Physics/KlamsTestAlg for detail

6 VertexFit and KinematicFit  Formulas(adopt from Paul Avery’s Lessons)  WTrackParameter  VertexParameter  KinematicConstraints  VertexConstraints  BuildVirtualParticle  SecondVertexFit

7 Formulas for Kinematic Fitting

8 Formulas for Kinematic Fitting (continue)

9 Formulas for Vertex Fitting

10 WTrackParameter and VertexParameter HepLorentzVector (px, py, pz, E) HepPoint3D (x, y, z) HepSymMatrix Ew HepPoint3D (vx, vy, vz) HepSymMatrix Ex

11 AddTrack Utility // event data model dependent void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstMdcTrack *trk); void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstMdcKalTrack *trk); void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstEmcTrack *trk); // event data model independent void AddTrack(const int number, const WTrackParameter wtrk);

12 Kinematic Constraints  Invariant mass constraints  AddResonance(number, mass, n1, n2,...)  Total energy constraints  AddTotalEnergy(number, energy, n1, n2, …)  Total Momentum constraints  AddTotalMomentum(number, ptot, n1, n2, …)  Total 3-momentum constraints  AddThreeMomentum(number, Hep3Vector p3, n1, n2, …)  Total 4-momentum constraints  AddFourMomentum(number, HepLorentzVector p4, n1, n2, …)  AddFourMomentum(number, etot, n1, n2, …)  Equal mass constraints  Not well designed

13 Vertex Constraints  Vertex constraint to a fixed position  Beam Fit  Vertex constraint to an unknown position  SecondVertex  Find Beam position  General Vertex fit

14 Swimming after VertexFit

15 Build Virtual Particle  Virtual Particle from KinematicFit  Pi0, eta, …  Virtual Particle from VertexFit  Ks, Λ, …  Can be treated as a normal particle in further kinematic/Vertex fit  BuildVirtualParticle(number) in KinematicFit / VertexFit

16 SecondVertexFit

17 SecondVertexFit

18 How to use compose tools TKinematicFit *kmfit=TKinematicFit::instance(); VertexFit *vtxfit=VertexFit::instance(); SecondVertexFit *vtxfit = SecondVertexFit::instance(); KinematicFit *kmfit=KinematicFit::instance(); kmfit->init(); // Track and constraints if(kmfit->Fit()) {//extract kinematic fit information;} vtxfit->init(); // Track and constraints if(vtxfit->Fit()) {// extract (Second)VertexFit information;}

19 Particle ID  DedxPID: dE/dx info  Ready now, correction was made  Tof1PID: inner barrel TOF  Ready now, correction was made  Tof2PID: outer barrel TOF  Ready now, correction was made  TofEPID: Endcap TOF  Not readdy now, due to reconstruction  TofQPID: Q of Barrel TOF  Not ready now, need detail study  EmcPID: energy deposit in EMC  Not ready now, Wang Liangliang is working at  ParticleID  Combine the above info  MuonID  Develop by PKU  ParticleIDBase  For developer only

20 ParticleIDBase class (I) common interface public: virtual bool IsPidInfoValid() = 0; virtual double chi(int n) const = 0; virtual double prob(int n) const = 0; virtual int ndof() const = 0; DstTrkList* PidTrk() const {return m_trk;} protected: // PID calculation routines(include PID correction) virtual int particleIDCalculation() = 0;

21 Sub-PidSys class design class Tof1PID : public ParticleIDBase { public: // constructor & desconstructor Tof1PID(DstTrkList *dstTrk, double chi=4); ~Tof1PID(){;} bool IsPidInfoValid() {return (m_ndof > 0); } double chi(int n) const {return m_chi[n];} double prob(int n) const {return m_prob[n];} int ndof() const {return m_ndof;} protected: int particleIDCalculation(); double offsetTof1(int n, int cntr, double ptrk, double ztof, double ph); double sigmaTof1(int n, int cntr, double ptrk, double ztof, double ph); private: xxxxx; }

22 How to use ParticleID // Be careful to avoid memory leakage ParticleID *pid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ncharg; i++) { DstTrkList *dstTrk = *(dstTrkListCol->begin() + i); if(pid) delete pid; pid = new ParticleID(dstTrk); pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2() )|; // pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx()); // pid->usePidSys(pid->useTof1()); // pid->usePidSys(pid->useTof2()); pid->identify(pid->onlyPion() | pid->onlyKaon()); // pid->identify(pid->onlyPion()); // pid->identify(pid->onlyKaon()); pid->calculate(); if(!(pid->IsPidInfoValid())) continue; // user's selections } if(pid) delete pid;

23 Analysis Event Data Model  Dst Event Data Model  From Reconstruction  Dst Track List  Global Link and Dst Event Assembly  Analysis Event Data Model  BParticle Project  Physics Event Data Model  Physics Group

24 TrackList(sub-detector level)  DstMdcTrack  DstMdcKalTrack  DstDedx  DstTofTrack  DstEmcTrack  DstMucTrack  DstExtTrack  Event/DstEvent subdirctory

25 TrackList (track level) int trackID() const {return m_trackID;} bool IsMdcTrkValid() {return (m_originMdcTrack != 0);} bool IsMdcKalTrkValid() {return (m_originMdcKalTrack != 0);} bool IsDedxValid() {return (m_originDedx != 0);} bool IsTofTrkValid() {return (m_originTofTrack != 0);} bool IsEmcTrkValid() {return (m_originEmcTrack != 0);} bool IsMucTrkValid() {return (m_originMucTrack != 0);} bool IsExtTrkValid() {return (m_originExtTrack != 0);} DstMdcTrack* MdcTrk() {return m_originMdcTrack;} DstMdcKalTrack* MdcKalTrk() {return m_originMdcKalTrack;} DstDedx* DedxTrk() {return m_originDedx;} DstTofTrack* TofTrk() {return m_originTofTrack;} DstEmcTrack* EmcTrk() {return m_originEmcTrack;} DstMucTrack* MucTrk() {return m_originMucTrack;} DstExtTrack* ExtTrk() {return m_originExtTrack ;}

26 How to access Dst Event Data In analysis source code: #include “Event/DstTrkList.h” SmartDataPtr dstCol ( eventSvc(), EventModel::Dst::DstTrackListCol) // To get Energy deposit in Emc DstTrkListCol::iterater itTrk = dstCol->begin() For(; itTrk end(); itTrk++) { if((*itTrk)->IsEmcTrkValid()) { DstEmcTrack *emcTrk = (*itTrk)->EmcTrk(); double energy = emcTrk->energy(); // piece of analysis code, fill histogram/ntuple } In analysis job option file: #include “$DSTEVENTASSEMBLYALGROOT/jobOptions_DstEventAssembly.txt”

27 BParticle Project  Write Particle (Charged tracks, neutrals, Vertice and composed particle) information into TDS. Analysis Algorithm can access these info.  May develop to a common standard platform, make Analysis job easily and friendly  Allow Physics groups to design Physics Data model easily

28 Contents  BParticle  Event Analysis Event Data Model  BParticleID  Particle identification data  BVertex  (2nd)Vertex Reconstruction data  BStableParticle  Photon, Electron, Muon, Pion, Kaon, Proton  BComposeParticle  Pi0, Eta, K*, phi, Charm Meson, new Particle,……

29 Analysis Event Data Model BParticle // track List ID int m_trackID; // PDG ID int m_particleID; // reference point(0, 0, 0) HepPoint3D m_refpoint; // WTrackparameters(charge, px, py, pz, e, x, y, z) WTrackParameter m_wtrk; SmartRef m_dstTrk; // Dst TrackList SmartRef m_pid; // ParticleID info SmartRef m_vertex; // Vertex info SmartRef m_bcompart; // ComposeParticle SmartRef m_mother; // mother SmartRefVector m_daughters; //decay daughters

30 BParticleID int m_trackID; // TrackList ID int m_type; // 1: electron 2: muon 3: pi/K/p int m_ndof; double m_chiDedx[5]; double m_chiTof1[5]; double m_chiTof2[5]; double m_chiTofE[5]; double m_chiTofQ[5]; double m_chiEmc[5]; double m_prob[5]; double m_chisq[5];

31 BVertex int m_vertexID; VertexType m_vertexType; VertexParameter m_vpar; double m_chisq; int m_ndof; WTrackParameter m_wtrk; double m_lxyz; double m_lxyz_err; SmartRefVector m_outgo;

32 BComposedParticl e Pi0, Eta Ks, Lambda D, Ds, … K*, phi, omega, … Any “new” Particle

33 BParticle Frame work  Tracklist duplication  VeeVtxReconstruction  KShortReconstruction, by B.J. Liu  LambdaReconstruction, by K.L. He  GoodTrackSelection  GoodPhotonSelection, by M.Yang & M.S. Chen  GoodElectronSelection  GoodMuonSelection  GoodHadronSelection, by K.L. He  Pi0,Eta Reconstruction by M.S. Chen and M.Yang  CharmMesonList, J.Y. Zhang, Y.Z. Sun & S.S.Sun  Analysis Cuts are controlled through job option file

34 BParticle in Analysis #include “BParticle/BParticle.h” #include “BParticle/BParticleID.h” #include “BParticle/BVertex.h” #include “BParticle/StableParticle.h” #include “BParticle/BComposedParticle.h” // get pion Lists SmartDataPtr pionCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPionCol); // get Kaon Lists SmartDataPtr kaonCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BKaonCol); // get Photon Lists SmartDataPtr photonCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPhotonCol); //get KShort Lists SmartDataPtr ksCol(eventSvc(),EventModel::Analysis::BKShortCol); //get pi0 Lists SmartDataPtr pi0Col(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPi0Col); //DO not forget to add following line in your job option file #include “$PARTICLESELECTIONALGROOT/share/jobOPtions_ParticleSelection.txt”

35 Physics Event Data Model  Designed and developed by Physics Group  D0, D+, Ds tags  Psi’  pi pi J/psi

36 Physics Performance  Neutrals  Spatial resolution of photons (Yang Ming)  Photon detection efficiencies (Yang Ming)  Pi0 mass resolution (K.L. He, H.B. Li)  Particle ID performance  TOF (Wang Liangliang  dE/dx(Wang Liangliang  Muon (Wang Zheng)  Charged Tracks  Ks, Lambda mass resolution (Liu Beijiang)  Phi, K*, Omega in Inclusive Production (K.L. He, H.B. Li)  Tracking efficiencies (not ready)  Physics Analysis  D (J.Y Zhang, Y.Z Sun)  J/psi -> gamma X, X->pi0 pi0 (Chen Mingshui)  Psip -> pi pi (eta) J/psi (Li Gang)

37  (  ) 关于 E 的分布 From Yang. M

38  (  ) 关于 E 分布 From Yang. M

39 Del_phiDel_Theta Angle From Yang M.

40 7o7o Angle between gamma gamma From Yang M

41 J/psi->rho pi M_gg, 4C fit J/psi->rho pi M_gg, raw From Li H.B

42 E>20MeV E>30MeV Yang M Chen M S

43 E>40MeV E>50MeVYang M Chen M S

44 E>60MeV E>70MeV E>80MeV Yang M Chen M S

45 Pi0 Reconstruction Efficiencies J/psi->gamma X, X(1270)->pi0 + pi0 12.8MeV From Chen M S

46 Sigma_chi, dE/dx Mean_chi, dE/dx From Wang LL etal

47 TOF 1, From Wang LL etal

48 TOF 2, From WangLL etal

49 M_gg, ~5.1MeV From Li H B

50 M_ppi M_pi+pi- ~3MeV ~1.2MeV From Liu B J

51 M_phi M_omega ~10MeV From Li H B

52 K*0 K*+/- From Li H B

53 D0  K pi D0  K pi pi0 From Sun YZ, Zhang J Y

54 D+  K pi pi D0  K pi pi pi From Sun YZ, Zhang J Y

55 Psi’  pi+ pi- J/Psi, J/Psi  mu+ mu-, raw From Li G

56 Psi’  pi+ pi- J/Psi, J/Psi  mu+ mu-, 4C Fit From Li. G

57 Next Plan  Finish EmcPID  More Manpower in ParticleID  Tracking and PID efficiencies check  Applying Kalman filter in KinematicFit and VertexFit  Start 1st Vertex Reconstruction  Continue the BParticle project  Design and develop the EVENT TAG project  Some Physics Analysis Tools (BWFIT, ROOFit,… etc)  Applying more generator in future

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