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M OMENTUM AND IMPULSE Take notes from power point. Complete the practice problems in your notebook. Complete Marvelous Momentum on the GUESS table provided.

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Presentation on theme: "M OMENTUM AND IMPULSE Take notes from power point. Complete the practice problems in your notebook. Complete Marvelous Momentum on the GUESS table provided."— Presentation transcript:

1 M OMENTUM AND IMPULSE Take notes from power point. Complete the practice problems in your notebook. Complete Marvelous Momentum on the GUESS table provided. Hand in. Complete Minor Momentum on the handout provided. Hand in.

2 Definition symbol p Δp = mΔv As m or v ^ P ^ vector Unit – kgm/s No derived unit

3 Related to law of conservation of E P is transferred from one object to another elastic inelastic Both p and KE are conserved No E lost to heat or sound Not in the real world But close E is lost as heat or sound

4 Caused by an impulse F applied for some period of time I = Ft ΔI = Δp FΔt = m Δv Impact F can be high if t is very small

5 Elastic KE is transferred m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = m 1 v 1 ’ + m 2 v 2 ’ Objects couple or stick together m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 + m2)v ’ inelastic One object fires another p beginning = p end p total = 0 m 1 v 1 = m 2 -v 2

6 P ROBLEM S OLVING Formulas: Δp = mΔv I = Ft I = Δp F=ma a = Δv/Δt p beginning = p end m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = m 1 v 1 ’ + m 2 v 2 ’ m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 + m 2 )v 2 ’ m 1 v 1 = m 1 (-v 2 ’ )

7 P ROBLEM S OLVING Calvin and Hobbes are on an adventure as Spaceman Spiff. Calvin has a mass of 35.2 kg, Hobbes is 1.4 kg and the ship is 1250 kg. Something goes wrong with the thrusters and Spaceman Spiff, ship and tiger slam into the planet Zorgon at 125 m/s. The front end of the ship crumples on impact. What is the force of impact if the impact time is 1.76s?

8 P ROBLEM S OLVING Calvin gets out of his ship, taking only his artic blasting ray gun. As he makes his way along the lonely, desert like surface, he finds himself stranded on a flat, shining bit of ice. With no other hope of getting safely off something with such a low coefficient, he fires a 1.2 kg bullet at 65 m/s from the gun. What is his recoil velocity?

9 P ROBLEM S OLVING Later, Calvin, now having some fun on the ice, manages to get up to a speed of 45 m/s when he suddenly collides with a large alien with a mass of 55 kg resting happily on the ice. The two bodies become 1 and slide across the ice. How fast are they going?

10 B OUNCING Bouncing is an event in which an object collides with another object or surface, is deformed in a way that stores energy, and as it returns to it’s original shape (not deformed) releases energy that allows it to leave with a negative velocity. Here is conservation of momentum: 1Cw 1Cw And with an explanation: KzQM KzQM

11 View power point (Momentum and Impulse – II)

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