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A Binary Agent Technology for COTS Software Integrity Anant Agarwal Richard Schooler InCert Software.

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Presentation on theme: "A Binary Agent Technology for COTS Software Integrity Anant Agarwal Richard Schooler InCert Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Binary Agent Technology for COTS Software Integrity Anant Agarwal Richard Schooler InCert Software

2 The Mission Critical Environment Output Input Operating System SAP COTS Binary The development environment The deployment environment COTS Binary

3 Objective COTS Binary Input Output Operating System SAP To improve the integrity of the deployment environment with COTS software in the presence of attacks, bugs

4 Assumptions and Scope COTS Binary Input Output Operating System SAP Outer security defenses will be breached by attackers Use a practical, systems level approach – execution- time monitoring On COTS program or data corruption, rapidly d- detect problems a- trigger an alarm p- try to protect r- recover

5 Our Approach: Execution-Time Monitoring of COTS through Binary Instrumentation The development environment The deployment environment COTS New Missing source Legacy COTS Binary COTS New Missing source Legacy d- Policy specs for detection d- Heartbeat insertion d- Argument range checks d- Rare code execution/sigs. a- Alarm messages to console p- Defaults for fault tolerance p- Access constraints, redund. r- Logging COTS New Missing source Legacy

6 Drawbacks of Binary Insertion l Specific to a single platform, needs new technology development for different platform l Challenging to relate low-level observable events back to high-level user actions n hard to detect some types of intrusions that only affect data corruption n hard to protect or correct problems at higher semantic levels

7 Three Major Components in the Prototype, Three Major Tasks l Core technology for customizable agent insertion into PC/NT l Anomaly detection and reporting l Rapid recovery and problem pinpointing

8 Selected Risks/Challenges and Mitigation l Core technology for agent insertion into binary n Dealing with real environments – e.g., multithreading and synchronization, in particular, time syncing and monitoring events in a distributed environment n How to minimize runtime overhead – borrow compiler optimization techniques (e.g., steal registers, in ine code, sampling, multilevel checks) n How to deal with unknown relocations, e.g., for dusty decks – incremental control and dataflow analysis; an integrated static and dynamic method l Anomaly detection – can we catch problems without user help? n Runtime comparison against execution path signatures? n State machines for control flow checks (e.g., Abraham) l Rapid recovery and problem pinpointing technology n Third party problems n Can we get data values? Use dataflow analysis and offline simulation to obtain intermediate data values

9 Measures of Success l Core technology for agent insertion into binary: n Can we handle all binaries, DLLs, even dusty decks? n Target: Performance degradation to be under 1 percent l Anomaly detection n What fraction of injected problems can we detect l Rapid recovery technology n Can we cut recovery time significantly? We will measure recovery time with and without n As a bonus, can we catch problems before system goes down? l Build a prototype system, work with real users, and measure

10 Realistic Environments Have Multiple Threads and Modules DLL1 DLL2 T1 T2 T3

11 Multiple Threads – Per-DLL Buffer DLL1 Buffer DLL1 T1 T2 T3 DLL2 DLL2 Buffer TS Lock overhead Contention in SMPs TS Thread IDs

12 Multiple Threads – Per Thread Buffer Timestamps Sequence counter Ids DLL1 DLL2 T1 T2 T3 s4 s1 s2 s3 s s5

13 Multiple Machines? DLL T1, Mx T2, My T3, Mz s1 s2 s3 s4 s How to synchronize efficiently times at a fine grain? How to maintain efficiently a cross-machine counter?

14 Current Progress l Work on NT binary insertion prototype ongoing l Demo of early capability showing n instrumentation n simple recovery log n detecting application has crashed n taking control and n writing out log n user-requested snap-trace for hung or “molasses” mode n information viewer for multithreaded traces n some optimization l Handling multithreading, DLLs imminent – prototyped n needed significant changes to runtime system – leverage shared memory n ongoing thinking on distributed programs l Ongoing thinking on detection capability

15 Summary l A systems approach to COTS Integrity l Approach based on execution-time monitoring using binary insertion l We have an early prototype version of NT binary insertion implemented l We have also successfully instrumented multithreaded programs

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