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Our school is beautiful Our school is big MATTIA LUCA.

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Presentation on theme: "Our school is beautiful Our school is big MATTIA LUCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our school is beautiful Our school is big MATTIA LUCA

2 Here you can see the entrance of the school. Hanging over it there is a huge wooden sign with the writing «scuole.». In front of it there is a big flower pot with some plants. On the left there is a smaller wooden sign indicating the library wich is next door. Filippo Negrini

3 In the school there are tall stairs and a long corridor. CRISTIAN

4 This is our class In the class there are desks, an interactive board, a tasks chart, chairs, a computer and maps. It is quite small and beautiful. The wall is white and green. There is also a shelf with games on it. Michele

5 In the class there is the plants corner. The plants are very tall. MARIA

6 This is the computers’ class.There are many computers and there are many boxes on the shelf. There is a big table in the middle and the maps next to the door. There is a very big blackboard. MATTIA FILIPPO B

7 In the teacher’s class there is a long light-brown table with red chairs, next to it there is a black board and a library. At the end of the room there are a window, a heater and a shelf. The teachers’ meeting!!!! Caterina

8 The gym is quite big and clean. On Thursday we have P.E. We like playing «pallafuoco, salto alla corda and ce l’ hai» Maria

9 Next to the gym there is a picture of a roedeer. The roedeer lives in the Alps woods and lives with its puppies. It’s got straight, strong, light- brown and pointed horns. LUCA

10 In the library ther are many beautiful books… …and many funny DVD for every age DESTA

11 Our bathroom is quite small. On the left there is a basin and there are the towels. Our toilets are not divided for boys and girls. Beatrice Bricalli

12 The janitor room is a mess! There are a table with a glue on it, pens and other school objects. On the right there is a window. This is the lumber room. Caterina

13 The playground is big and large. FILIPPO

14 The snow falls light and soft and white. The coloured cars become white all covered by the snow. It’s snowing hard in Caspoggio. It’s the eleventh of April It’s very strange! LUCIA

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