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Library Orientation 2008-2009.  Before School 1. Library is open by 6:30 AM 2. Do NOT need a pass 3. Will need to sign in 4. Must leave the library to.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Orientation 2008-2009.  Before School 1. Library is open by 6:30 AM 2. Do NOT need a pass 3. Will need to sign in 4. Must leave the library to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Orientation 2008-2009

2  Before School 1. Library is open by 6:30 AM 2. Do NOT need a pass 3. Will need to sign in 4. Must leave the library to be on time for your 1 st period class – WE DO NOT WRITE TARDY PASSES!! Coming to the Library

3  From ASE ( Academic Support Enrichment ) 1.Listen to AM announcements – periods the library will be open for that day will be listed. 2.You must have your planner signed by your SUBJECT teacher and the ASE teacher. 3.YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO STAY IN THE LIBRARY FOR THE ENTIRE PERIOD.

4  From Class 1.With your classroom teacher 2. Teacher sends you from class with signed planner! 3. NEVER “My teacher knows I’m here” or “My teacher said I could come.”

5  During Lunch 1. Listen to AM announcements and know what periods we are available for lunch. 2. If you do NOT plan to eat, report directly to the library BEFORE the tardy bell and sign in. You will NOT be excused to the café. 3. If you choose to EAT FIRST, ask an administrator to sign your planner after you have eaten and cleared the table.

6  After School  Currently, the plan is to have the library open on Tuesday and Thursday only.

7 Library Rules  Be on time  Check in at the desk BEFORE taking your seat (if you are not accompanied by your teacher)  Work quietly  Do not move chairs or tables  No food or drink in the library  Walk through (only during class changes – NEVER DURING CLASS)  Need help? See Mrs. Spiaggi

8 Respect  Others Staff, fellow students, self Wait your turn  Materials Return materials on time Do not cut pictures and/or pages from magazines and/or books.

9 Use of Library Materials  Regular materials Circulate for 2 weeks/fines $.05/day/renew once  Special Collection Overnight ONLY – fine $1.00/day – due by 7:15 AM  Reference/Magazines/Newspapers and Videos DO NOT CIRCULATE

10 Copies Printer for the library is: WhlibHP9040 THERE IS NO COLOR PRINTER AVAILABLE Copies for class are free – teacher sets number required for each assignment – if you print over the limit – YOU PAY! Personal copies and any copies you choose to print that are not required are 10 cents /page

11 Copies…  Be sure to claim your copies – you will be charged for all unclaimed and duplicate copies!

12 Computer Usage  Internet access is a privilege  Filtering program will notify the Technology Department via e-mail any time a controversial website is accessed with the ID number of the person using that site.

13 Computer Usage (Rules)  Be polite  Use appropriate language  Pornography, obscene or sexually explicit materials are prohibited  E-mail is not guaranteed to be private  You will have an e-mail account and will have access only to/from your teachers. Your address will be your user name @ ( You will NOT be able to e- mail each other  Only files approved by the classroom teacher are permitted to be saved.

14  Hate mail, discriminatory remarks, and offensive communication are PROHIBITED  You are responsible for what is printed from your account – expect the copies to be examined before you receive them!  The default wallpaper is not to be changed  All electronic and Internet use is monitored  You must NEVER SHARE YOUR PASSWORD.  This means you are not to let anyone use your account nor should you use anyone else’s account.

15  If you receive threatening or unwelcome communications, you are to immediately report it to the teacher in the room.  Violations of the policy can and will result in restricted or denied computer use.

16  Users will be responsible for damages to the equipment, systems, and software resulting from deliberate or willful acts  Use of the network for non-work or non-school related work is PROHIBITED  Loading or use of unauthorized games, programs, files or other electronic media is PROHIBITED  Revealing personal information about yourself or another student using the WHSD network or Internet is PROHIBITED

17 Agreement Form You will be asked to sign the Student Handbook. In so doing, you are acknowledging that you are aware of the rules and your responsibility regarding them. Have a Positive Attitude and Never accept less than your Best!

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